Monday, March 24, 2025

Vibe coding in Common Lisp

Can you “vibe code” in Common Lisp?

Short answer, no.

I set out to give it a try. The idea behind “vibe coding” is to use an AI to generate the code and to blindly accept everything it generates. You offer some feedback about error messages and whether the code is doing something close to what you want, but you specifically don’t try to analyze and understand the code being generated. You certainly don’t try to debug it and fix it.

A.I. is trained on a lot of open source code. If your language is popular, there is a lot of code to train on. Chances are, if you have a problem, then not only has someone attempted to code it up in Python, but several people have given it a try and someone has ported it to JavaScript. Someone has solved your problem on StackOverflow.

Common Lisp is not a popular language. There is not a lot of code to train on, and most of it is someone’s homework. So for any particular problem, the A.I. doesn’t have a lot to go on. It becomes clear pretty quickly that the A.I. has no understanding of what it is doing, it is just trying to synthesize something that is similiar to what it has seen before, and if it hasn’t seem much, you don’t get much.

So I tried to vibe code in Common Lisp. I decided to try to write a Minesweeper game. That seemed like it had probably been done enough times before that the A.I. might be able to generate some vibe code.

I told it that we were going to write a video game and that it should generate an asd file for the game, and some skeleton code that would be a good start. It generated an asd file and four small files: main.lisp, game.lisp, input.lisp, and graphics.lisp. There was little actual code in the files, just some function stubs, but you could see where the cross-file dependencies were going to be.

The asd file wouldn’t load. The generated files had some minor dependencies upon each other and imported the required symbols from the other files. This imposed an implicit load order because a file couldn’t be loaded until the file it depended on had created the package for the symbols that it referenced. This is an old problem in Common Lisp, and the solution is to set up all the packages before loading anything. But I was vibing, so I told the AI that the forward references of the symbols were causing problems.

The AI added require statements into the files to try get them to load in a working order. It didn’t help. require statements have a whole bunch of issues and aren’t used very much thes days. The modern solution is to make the dependencies explicit in the system definition file. I gave the AI a direct instruction to make sure that the package.lisp file loaded before any other. Rather than edit the asd file, it decided to add even more require statements.

I declared failure at this point and manually edited the package.lisp file to create the packages and import the inital symbols, I added a dependecy on the package.lisp file to every other file, and I removed all the spurious require statements. It was clear the AI was not going to hit upon this solution.

The AI obviously has no model of what the package system is. It doesn’t reason that you need to load it first. It simply knows that it can insert require statements to express a dependency. So it thrashes around added require statements in the hope that it will converge to a solution. It converged to a circular dependency instead.


Anonymous said...

One of the worst things about the AI generators is that they won't admit that they have limited knowledge or that they can't do something.

I had a similar situation last week when I was working on something where I needed a sort that did a minimum number of swaps. Cycle Sort fit the bill, so I asked Copilot to write a version of cycle sort for me. The first version didn't actually perform the minimum number of swaps, so I asked it to fix it. It produced new code that did the minimum number of swaps, but it also corrupted the array. I pointed this out, and it duly apologized and generated a new version...that was identical to the old version. All while insisting that it had fixed it.

I'm sure the core of the problem was the same as your case's: cycle sort is a lesser known algorithm so there's not much to train on. It doesn't understand the algorithm, so it keeps generating the same wrong code.

I could accept this better if these AIs would just tell the truth: that they have limited knowledge because they have been trained with an insufficient data set. Instead, they seem to insist on the mystique that AIs are god-like beings that can do anything. A little humility would go a long way.

Anonymous said...

For the A.I. it is easy to find a "solution", but determination is the solution right or wrong is impossible. For humans the situation is completely opposite :)