Friday, March 21, 2025

CLOS vs. message passing

When I was in high school and first getting interested in computers, I heard about the concept of message passing. This struck me as a good idea, although I couldn't articulate why at the time. Now I know a bit more about computers, and I often find that message passing is a good way to structure certain kinds of programs. In particular, it really works well with client/server architectures.

The idea behing message passing is that you have active agents that communicate by sending passive messages amongst themselves. A message is a fairly simple piece of data. It is basically a symbolic token and maybe some parameters. The recipient of the message interprets the meaning of the token and acts accordingly. Conceptually, the interface is narrow: an agent exposes one endpoint and all messages come through that endpoint. This facilitates the creation of strong abstraction barriers.

The standard way of implementing this is to have a reverse proxy within the agent that disatches messages to the appropriate handler within the object. The object has a table of message handlers and it looks up the appropriate handler in the table and calls it.

I wanted to use this paradigm for talking to several heterogeneous servers — a GitHub server, an LDAP server, a CircleCI server, etc. But I got bogged down in the details of how to implement this. It was proving difficult to map the reverse proxy implementation on to CLOS. But then I remembered something: synchronous message passing is isomorphic to simple function calls. I didn't want to implement a message dispatcher in CLOS, I could just use CLOS's built-in method dispatch.

Messages are just the names of generic functions, and parameterized messages are just generic functions that take arguments. The method dispatch table doesn't reside in the object but in the generic function. In fact, very little is left of the object itself. It can often be instance with no slots that only has an identity.

Once I got my head straightened out, the code came together quickly.

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