Saturday, May 4, 2024

Animation: Two Methods

Animated sprites are much cooler that static ones and really make your game come to life. They are pretty easy to implement, but there are a couple of ways to implement them, and I've seen several projects use the less optimal strategy.

The less optimal strategy is straightforward. We keep a time counter in the animated entity and increment it every time we update the entity. When the counter exceeds the amount of time for an animation frame, we advance to the next frame and reset the ticker.

(defclass entity ()
  ((animation-ticker :initform 0 :accessor animation-ticker)))

(defun entity-step! (entity dticks)
  (incf (animation-ticker entity) dticks)
  (when (> (animation-ticker entity) ticks-per-frame)
    (advance-to-next-frame! entity)
    (decf (animation-ticker entity) ticks-per-frame)))

Now this works, but the reason it is less optimal is that it involves maintaining time varying state in the entity. Recall that the game has two primary threads running: a render thread which runs 60 times a second and draws the game on the screen, and an game loop thread which runs maybe 200 times a second and updates the state of the entities in the game. The point of this is to separate and abstract the drawing of the game from the running of the mechanics of the game. By using this less optimal method, we involve the game loop thread in maintaining state that is used only by the render thead. To anthromorphize, the entity “knows” that it is animated and is taking an active role in keeping things moving.

A better way is to put the responsibility of animation solely within the render thread by having it select which animation frame to display when it draws the sprite. The sprite contains a vector of animation frames and a timestamp at which the animation was started. When redrawing the sprite, the elapsed time is computed by subtracting the start timestamp from the current time, and the frame to display is computed by dividing the elapsed time by the time per frame modulo the length of the frame vector.

(defclass animation ()
  ((start-tick :initform (get-ticks) :reader start-tick)
   (frames :initarg frames :reader frames)))

(defun display-animation! (animation)
   (let* ((elapsed-time (- (get-ticks) (start-tick animation)))
          (absolute-frame (floor elapsed-time ticks-per-frame))
          (frame (mod absolute-frame (length (frames animation)))))
     (display-frame! (svref (frames animation) frame))))

This way of doing it no longer needs time varying state, and we’ve abstracted the display of the animation from the handling of the entity’s state. The entity no longer has to “know” that it is animated or do anything about it. There no longer has to be communication between the game loop thread and the render thread on every animation frame. This could be important if the render thread is running on a different machine than the game loop thread. If the game loop thread lags (maybe because of garbage collection or entering the error handler), we still get smooth animation.

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