For day 15, we are simulating moving crates around a warehouse. We are give a map of the warehouse which we will read into a grid, and a list of moves of our little robot. When the robot encounters a crate, it will push it in the direction it is moving, if it can. If the crate rests against another crate, it will push both crates. If the crate rests against a wall, it will not move. If the crate cannot move, the robot doesn’t move either. The robot can only push.
The second part of the puzzle uses double-wide crates, so our input code has a flag to indicate whether to create single-wide or double-wide crates in the initial grid.
;;; -*- Lisp -*- (in-package "ADVENT2024/DAY15") (defun decode-cell (string package wide?) (if wide? (cond ((equal string "#") (list ’\# ’\#)) ((equal string "O") (list ’[ ’])) ((equal string ".") (list ’\. ’\.)) ((equal string "@") (list ’@ ’\.)) (t (error "Unknown cell ~a" string))) (list (intern (string-upcase string) package))))
In the input, the directions are represented with the characters
, v
, <
, and
. We will convert these to the corresponding
(defun decode-move (move) (cond ((equal move "<") +west+) ((equal move "^") +north+) ((equal move ">") +east+) ((equal move "v") +south+) (t (error "Unknown move ~a" move))))
We’ll use a regular expression to parse the input. If it is a line consisting of #, O, ., or @, we’ll decode it as a row of the grid. If it is a line consisting of one of the directions, we’ll decode it as a move.
(defun read-input (input-pathname &optional (wide? nil)) (multiple-value-bind (blanks grids moves) (#3M(lambda (line) (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (blank grid move) ("(^$)|([#.O@]+)|([><v^]+)" line) (values blank grid move))) (scan-file input-pathname #’read-line)) (let ((blank-lines (collect ’list (choose blanks))) (grid-lines (collect ’list (#M(lambda (line) (collect-append (#Mdecode-cell (#Mstring (scan ’string line)) (series (find-package "ADVENT2024/DAY15")) (series wide?)))) (choose grids)))) (move-list (collect-append (#M(lambda (line) (collect ’list (#Mdecode-move (#Mstring (scan ’string line))))) (choose moves))))) (declare (ignore blank-lines)) (values (make-grid (length grid-lines) (length (first grid-lines)) :initial-contents grid-lines) move-list))))
will determine if we can move to a
particular cell in the grid from a particular direction. If the
cell is empty, we can move there. If the cell is a crate, we can
move there if we can move the crate.
(defun can-move-to? (grid coord delta) "True if location on grid at coord is empty, or item at location can move in direction." (and (on-grid? grid coord) (or (eql (grid-ref grid coord) ’\.) (can-move? grid coord delta))))
will determine if we can move an item on the
grid one step in a particular direction. The tricky part is double
wide crates. We need to check both cells to see if we can move the
entire crate.
(defun can-move? (grid coord delta) "True if item on grid at coord can move in direction." (and (on-grid? grid coord) (ecase (grid-ref grid coord) (\. (error "No item at coord.")) (\# nil) (@ (let ((target (2v+ coord delta))) (can-move-to? grid target delta))) (O (let ((target (2v+ coord delta))) (can-move-to? grid target delta))) (\[ (if (or (equal delta +north+) (equal delta +south+)) (let ((target1 (2v+ coord delta)) (target2 (2v+ (2v+ coord delta) +east+))) (and (can-move-to? grid target1 delta) (can-move-to? grid target2 delta))) (let ((target (2v+ coord delta))) (can-move-to? grid target delta)))) (\] (if (or (equal delta +north+) (equal delta +south+)) (let ((target1 (2v+ coord delta)) (target2 (2v+ (2v+ coord delta) +west+))) (and (can-move-to? grid target1 delta) (can-move-to? grid target2 delta))) (let ((target (2v+ coord delta))) (can-move-to? grid target delta)))))))
will move an item on the grid one step in a
particular direction if possible. It returns the new grid location
if it moved, or nil
if it didn’t. When moving an
item we put a blank spot where the item was. The tricky part is
double-wide crates, where we need to move both cells.
(defun move! (grid coord delta) "Move item on grid at coord in direction delta." (if (can-move? grid coord delta) (ecase (grid-ref grid coord) (\. (error "Cannot move empty locations.")) (\# (error "Cannot move walls.")) (@ (let ((target (2v+ coord delta))) (unless (eql (grid-ref grid target) ’\.) (move! grid target delta)) (setf (grid-ref grid target) ’@ (grid-ref grid coord) ’\.) target)) (O (let ((target (2v+ coord delta))) (unless (eql (grid-ref grid target) ’\.) (move! grid target delta)) (setf (grid-ref grid target) ’O (grid-ref grid coord) ’\.) target)) (\[ (let* ((targetl (2v+ coord delta)) (targetr (2v+ targetl +east+))) (unless (or (eql delta +east+) (eql (grid-ref grid targetl) ’|.|)) (move! grid targetl delta)) (unless (or (eql delta +west+) (eql (grid-ref grid targetr) ’\.)) (move! grid targetr delta)) (setf (grid-ref grid targetl) ’[ (grid-ref grid targetr) ’]) (unless (eql delta +east+) (setf (grid-ref grid (2v+ coord +east+)) ’\.)) (unless (eql delta +west+) (setf (grid-ref grid coord) ’\.)) targetl)) (\] (let* ((targetr (2v+ coord delta)) (targetl (2v+ targetr +west+))) (unless (or (eql delta +east+) (eql (grid-ref grid targetl) ’\.)) (move! grid targetl delta)) (unless (or (eql delta +west+) (eql (grid-ref grid targetr) ’\.)) (move! grid targetr delta)) (setf (grid-ref grid targetl) ’[ (grid-ref grid targetr) ’]) (unless (eql delta +east+) (setf (grid-ref grid coord) ’\.)) (unless (eql delta +west+) (setf (grid-ref grid (2v+ coord +west+)) ’\.)) targetr)))) coord))
We need a function to find the initial location of the robot:
(defun find-robot (grid) (collect-first (choose (mapping (((coord item) (scan-grid grid))) (when (eql item ’@) coord)))))
And we need a function to score the grid.
(defun score-map (grid) (collect-sum (mapping (((coord item) (scan-grid grid))) (if (or (eql item ’O) (eql item ’[)) (+ (* (row coord) 100) (column coord)) 0))))
It isn’t necessary for the solution, but it is helpful when debugging to have a function to print the grid.
(defun show-grid (grid) (dotimes (row (grid-height grid)) (dotimes (column (grid-width grid)) (format t "~a" (grid-ref grid (coord column row)))) (format t "~%")))
To solve the puzzle, we use fold-left
to drive the
robot using the list of moves. This will side-effect the grid.
When we are done moving, we score the grid.
(defun puzzle (input-file wide?) (multiple-value-bind (grid moves) (read-input input-file wide?) (fold-left (lambda (robot move) (move! grid robot move)) (find-robot grid) moves) (score-map grid))) (defun part-1 () (puzzle (input-pathname) nil)) (defun part-2 () (puzzle (input-pathname) t))
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