Thursday, February 6, 2020


There are times when you are faced with a complex piece of control flow
try {
    if (condition())
        ... block 1 ...
        switch (someValue())
          case CASE_A:
            ... block 2 ...

          case CASE_B:
            ... block 3 ...

            ... block 4 ...
} catch (SomeException someException) {
    ... block 5 ...
and you want to abstract the control flow — all the conditionals, switches, and try/catches — away from the code that does the work — the various blocks. In fact, here I've abstracted it away by putting "... block n ..." in place of the blocks of code.

If I were writing this in Scheme or Common Lisp, I'd consider using continuation passing style. I'd write a function dispatch-on-foo that would perform the dispatch, but then invoke one of several first-class procedures passed in as arguments
(defun dispatch-on-foo (foo bar case1 case2 case3 case4 case5)
   (if (... complex conditional ...) 
       (funcall case1)
       (handler-case (case some-value
                       ((case-a) (funcall case2))
                       ((case-b) (funcall case3))
                       (t (funcall case4)))
         (error (condition) (funcall case5)))))
At the call site, I'd write
(dispatch-on-foo <arg1> <arg2>
  (lambda ()
     ... block 1 ...)
  (lambda ()
     ... block 2 ...)
  (lambda ()
     ... block 3 ...)
  (lambda ()
     ... block 4 ...)
  (lambda ()
     ... block 5 ...))
This is a win when the complexity of the dispatch is enough that you don't want to replicate it at every call site. Notice how the nested blocks of code have been pulled up to the same level and linearized. Granted, you've cluttered up the call site with lambda expressions, but as Steele pointed out, you can think of these as anonymous go tags: dispatch-on-foo in essence will end up doing a jump to one of these tags and execute the block there, skipping and ignoring the other blocks. Once you get used to thinking in this way, the lambdas disappear just like the parens do for a seasoned Lisp hacker. They just look like jump targets or case labels, and the call site looks a lot like a case expression. It is a bit more powerful than an ordinary case expression because you could arrange for dispatch-on-foo to funcall the appropriate closure on an argument (and have the lambda expression take an argument of course).

You could do something analagous with Java 8's lambdas, but on the rare occasion I've wanted to do something similar in Java 7. The problem is that Java 7 doesn't have lambda expressions. The solution is to change these anonymous lambdas into named callback methods. First we define a generic interface with our callbacks:
interface DispatchOnFooCases<T> {
    T caseOne (void);
    T caseTwo (void);
    T caseThree (void);
    ... etc. ...
then we define the dispatch method:
<T> T dispatchOnFoo (FooClass foo, BarClass bar, DispatchOnFooCases dispatchOnFooCases)
    try {
        if (conditional())
            return dispatchOnFooCases.caseOne();
            switch (someValue()) {
              case CASE_A:
                return dispatchOnFooCases.caseTwo();

              case CASE_B:
                return dispatchOnFooCases.caseThree();

                return dispatchOnFooCases.caseFour();
    } catch (SomeException someException) {
        return dispatchOnFooCases.CaseFive();
finally, at the call site, we write this:
    int value =
        dispatchOnFoo<int> (foo, bar,
            new DispatchOnFooCases<int> ()
                int caseOne (void)
                    ... block 1 ...
                    return aValue;

                int caseTwo (void)
                    ... block 2 ...
                    return aDifferentValue;

                ... etc. ...
The good news is that we've accomplished our goal of abstracting the complex conditional dispatch from the code that does the real work — the method bodies at the call site.

There is, unfortunately, a fair amount of bad news. First, if you thought lambda expressions introduced clutter, then this is a serious amount of clutter. Between @Overrides, type declarations, interfaces, and methods, there is just a lot of extra stuff you have to type. It still might be worth the clutter if the dispatch conditions are complex enough. They just need to be that much more complex to justify all this machinery. (We've actually done the work the compiler would do to allocate and pass a “multi-closure”.) There are cases where this pays off, though.

The second piece of bad news is that Java is not (in general) tail recursive. This means that the call to dispatchOnFoo and the callback to one of the cases both introduce a new stack frame. So although the case methods run in the same lexical environment as where they are defined, they are running two stack frames deeper. This won't make much of a difference unless you try to loop by recursively calling the code. In that case, you need to be very careful to limit the amount of recursion or you will overflow the stack. It is best to avoid recursion as much as possible in the bodies of the cases.

You probably won't need to resort to this doing this. It can be a case of the cure being worse than the disease. The complexity of introducing callbacks can exceed the complexity of the conditional you are trying to abstract. But this is an interesting way to abstract a very complex conditional and can come in handy when you can justify using it. I have actually used this technique in production code to separate some complex control flow from the code that did the actual work.

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