Iteration is simply that special case of recursion that doesn’t accumulate storage in the long term. It’s a notable special case because computer storage is finite, and you want to be able to write agorithms that are bound by constant space.
There are two common strategies that computer languages use to approach iteration. Functional languages like Scheme and Haskell make sure that normal function calls do not accumulate storage per se. Function calls can be used to direct the control flow, and if they direct the control flow in a loop, you will iterate. Most other languages achieve iteration via special iteration constructs that you must use if you want to iterate. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of using special iteration constructs are these:
- It is clear that you are iterating.
- Special constructs are usually optimized for iteration and have particular compiler support to make them efficient.
- Special constructs are constrained so that you cannot accidentally write non-iterative code.
The disadvantage of using special iteration constructs are these:
- Special constructs are drawn from a fixed set of constructs that are built in to the language. If you want to iterate differently, you are out of luck.
- Special constructs usually do not cross function boundaries. Iteration must reside in a single function.
- You have to decide beforehand that you want to iterate and choose an iteration construct.
- Special constructs are usually imperative in nature and operate via side effects.
The alternative approach used by functional languages is to make the language implementation tail recursive. This has these advantages:
- Iteration is automatic. You don’t have to decide that you want to iterate, it just happens when it can.
- Iteration can cross function boundaries.
- You can write your own iteration constructs and build them out of ordinary functions.
- Iteration can be done purely functionally, without side effects.
The disadvantages of using tail recursion for iteration are these:
- It is not obvious that you are iterating or intended to.
- You have to be careful to place all the iteration in tail position or you will blow the stack. Beginner programmers often have difficulty recognizing which calls are tail calls and can find it hard to avoid blowing the stack.
- Small, innocent looking changes in the code can change its behavior to be non tail recursive, again blowing the stack.
- The stack no longer contains a complete call history. If you rely on the stack as a call history buffer for debugging, you may find debugging more difficult.
The code in an iteration can be classified as being part of the machinery of iteration — the part that sets up the itertion, tests the ending conditional, and advances to the next iteration — or part of the logic of the iteration — the specific part that you are repeating. The machinery of the iteration is usually the same across many iterations, while the logic of the iteration is idiomatic to the specific instance of iteration. For example, all iterations over a list will have a null test, a call to CDR to walk down the list, and a call to CAR to fetch the current element, but each specific iteration over a list will do something different to the current element.
There are several goals in writing iterative code. One is to have
efficient code that performs well. Another is to have clear code
that is easy to understand, debug, and maintain. You choose how to
iterate based on these considerations. For the highest performing
code, you will want detailed control over what the code is doing.
You may wish to resort to using individual assignments
and GOTO
statements to squeeze the last clock cycles
out of an inner loop. For the clearest code, you will want to use a
high degree of abstraction. A clever compiler can generate
efficient code from highly abstracted code, and experienced
programmers know how to write abstract code that can be compiled to
efficient code.
Here are some examples of iteration strategies Lisp. To make these examples easy to compare I chose a simple problem to solve: given a list of numbers, return both a list of the squares of the numbers and the sum of the squares. This is a simple problem that can be solved in many ways.
Tagbody and Go
A tagbody
is a block of code that is labeled with
tags. You can jump to a tag with a go
statement. This
is a very low level form of iteration that is not used much in
modern Lisp programming. Here is an example of
a tagbody
(defun iteration-example-with-tagbody (numbers) (let ((squares ’()) (total 0) (nums numbers)) (tagbody start (if (null nums) (go end)) (let ((square (* (car nums) (car nums)))) (setq squares (cons square squares)) (incf total square)) (setq nums (cdr nums)) (go start) end (values (nreverse squares) total))))
This is like programming in assembly code. The go
instructions turn into jumps. This code is
very efficient, but it is not particularly clear. The
machinery of the iteration is mixed in with the logic of the
iteration, making it hard to see what is going on. The code is not
very abstract.
State Machine via Mutual Tail Recursion
Here we use tail recursion to iterate. The compiler will turn the
tail recursive call into a jump and the variable rebinding into
assignments, so this code will be about as efficient as
the tagbody
code above.
(defun iteration-example-tail-recursive (numbers &optional (squares ’()) (total 0)) (if (null numbers) (values (nreverse squares) total) (let ((square (* (car numbers) (car numbers)))) (iteration-example-tail-recursive (cdr numbers) (cons square squares) (+ total square)))))
This state machine only has one state, so it is not a very interesting state machine. The ultimate in iteration control is to write an iterative state machine using mutually tail recursive functions. The compiler will generate very efficient code for this, and you can write the code in a very abstract way. Here is an example of a state machine that simulates the action of a turnstile:
(defun turnstile (actions) "State machine to simulate a turnstile with actions ‘push’, ‘coin’, and ‘slug’." (locked-state actions ’() ’())) (defun locked-state (actions collected return-bucket) (cond ((null actions) (list collected return-bucket)) ((eql (car actions) ’coin) (unlocked-state (cdr actions) collected return-bucket)) ((eql (car actions) ’push) (locked-state (cdr actions) collected return-bucket)) ;; Ignore push in locked state ((eql (car actions) ’slug) (locked-state (cdr actions) collected (append return-bucket ’(slug)))) ;; Return slug (t (locked-state (cdr actions) collected return-bucket)))) (defun unlocked-state (actions collected return-bucket) (cond ((null actions) (list collected return-bucket)) ((eql (car actions) ’push) (locked-state (cdr actions) (append collected ’(coin)) return-bucket)) ((eql (car actions) ’coin) (unlocked-state (cdr actions) collected (append return-bucket ’(coin)))) ;; Return coin ((eql (car actions) ’slug) (unlocked-state (cdr actions) collected (append return-bucket ’(slug)))) ;; Return slug (t (unlocked-state (cdr actions) collected return-bucket)))) ;; Example usage: (turnstile ’(coin push coin push)) ;; => ((coin coin) ()) (turnstile ’(push coin push)) ;; => ((coin) ()) (turnstile ’(coin coin push push)) ;; => ((coin) (coin)) (turnstile ’(push)) ;; => (NIL NIL) (turnstile ’(coin push push)) ;; => ((coin) ()) (turnstile ’(coin coin coin push)) ;; => ((coin) (coin coin)) (turnstile ’(slug coin push)) ;; => ((coin) (slug)) (turnstile ’(coin slug push)) ;; => ((coin) (slug)) (turnstile ’(slug slug push coin push)) ;; => ((coin) (slug slug))
The iteration machinery is still interwoven with the logic of
the code. We’re still finding calls to null
and cdr
sprinkled around the code. Nonetheless,
structuring iterative code this way is a big step up from using a
and go
. This is my go-to method
for compex iterations that cannot easily be expressed as
a map
or reduce
Loop Macro
Common Lisp’s loop
macro is a very powerful iteration
construct that can be used to express a wide variety of iteration
defun loop-iteration-example (numbers) (loop for num in numbers for square = (* num num) collect square into squares sum square into total finally (return (values squares total))))
Call me a knee-jerk anti-loopist, but this doesn’t look like Lisp to me. It has some major problems:
- It is highly imperative. To understand what is going on, you
have to follow the code in the order it is written. You need to
have a mental model of the state of the loop at each point in the
iteration. Running into a
when reading functional code takes you out of the zen of functional programming. - The bound variables are not lexical, they are scattered around the code. You have to carefully examine each clause to figure out what variables are being bound.
- You need a parser to walk the code. There is nothing that delimits the clauses of the loop; it is a flat list of random symbols and forms. You couldn’t easily write a program that takes a loop form and transforms it in some way.
Do and Friends
The do
macro, and its friends dolist
, and do*
, etc., are the most common
iteration constructs in Common Lisp.
(defun iteration-example-with-do (numbers) (let ((squares ’()) (total 0)) (do ((nums numbers (cdr nums))) ((null nums) (values (nreverse squares) total)) (let ((square (* (car nums) (car nums)))) (setq squares (cons square squares)) (incf total square)))))
The do
macros have some drawbacks:
- They are imperative. The body of a
loop ultimately must have some sort of side effect or non-local exit to “get a value out”. Notice how we bind accumulator variables in an outer scope and assign them in the inner one. This is a common pattern in ado
loop. - They do not compose. You can nest a
inside adolist
, e.g., but you cannot run adotimes
in parallel with adolist
. - They are incomplete. There is no
, for example.
But at least you can parse them and transform them. They are
structured, and you can write a program that walks the clauses of a
loop and does something with them.
Map and Reduce
Map and reduce abstract the machinery of iteration away from the logic of the iteration through use of a monoid (a higher order function). The resulting code is clear and concise:
(defun iteration-example-with-map-reduce (numbers) (let* ((squares (map ’list (lambda (num) (* num num)) numbers)) (total (reduce #’+ squares))) (values squares total)))
The looping is implicit in the mapcar
functions. You can usually make the assumption
that the language implemetors have optimized these functions to be
reasonably efficient.
I often see programmers writing looping code when a perfectly good
library function exists that does the same thing. For example, it
is common to want to count the number of items in a sequence, and
Commmon Lisp supplies the count
function just for this
purpose. There is no need to write a loop.
Common Lisp provides a filter
function, but it is
called remove-if-not
The drawback of using these functions is that large intermediate sequences can be created. In our example code, the entire list of squares is constructed prior to reducing it with #’+. Of course the entire list is one of the return values, so you need it anyway, but if you only needed the sum of the squares, you would prefer to sum it incrementally as you go along rather than constructing a list of squares and then summing it. For small sequences, it doesn’t make a difference.
The series macro suite attempt to bring you best of both worlds. You write series expressions that look like sequence functions, but the macro recognizes that you are iterating and generates efficient incremental code.
(defun iteration-example-with-series (numbers) (let ((squares (map-fn ’integer (lambda (n) (* n n)) (scan ’list numbers))) (values (collect ’list squares) (collect-sum squares))))
This code is very similar to the sequence case, but the series macro will generate code that does not construct the entire list of squares before summing them. It will sum them incrementally as it goes along.
Series will expand into a tagboy
. For example, the
above code will expand into something like this:
90% of the time, the series macro will produce very efficient code, but 10% of the time the macro loses its lunch. It takes a little practice to get use to when the series macro will work and to write code that the series macro can handle.
There are many ways to iterate in Lisp, some are more efficient
than others, some are more abstrac than others. You choose the way
that suits your needs. I like the abstraction of the series macro,
but I will also use a library function like count
it is appropriate. When I need tight control, I’ll write a state machine.
What is the name of the series macro?
the series example is broken, it's missing a closing parenthesis and the types lists and sum do not exist :(
Series is a suite of macros. It hooks into Lisp at a number of places, e.g., it redefines DEFUN and LET and FUNCALL in addition to providing macros such as COLLECT and SCAN.
I have to transcribe the code into the blog post (cut and paste won't work), so sometimes I make mistakes.
I've corrected the post: it should be type 'list and it is collect-sum not collect 'sum.
what about iterate?
I haven't used it, but it is supposed to be more lispy than loop...
Great post! Should be on a list somewhere of resources for people learning CL.
One quibble: in 'iteration-example-with-do', you could bind 'squares' and 'total' inside the 'do' form.
Here's your example written using my GMap macro -- alas, I can't format it properly in this comment widget:
(defun iteration-example-using-gmap (numbers)
(gmap (:result values list sum)
(lambda (n) (let ((s (* n n))) (values s s)))
(:arg list numbers)))
This says to produce two values, the first of which will be a list of the first values of the mapped function, and the second the sum of the second values. The mapped function returns the square of 'n' as both its first and second value. The arguments to the mapped function are the elements of list 'numbers'.
GMap is clearly trying to solve the same problem as Series, but it's much simpler. Specifically, it makes no attempt to make a series into a firstclass value. I think that attempt is the source of Series's troubles, why it can be a little hard to use and can sometimes "lose its lunch", as you say. GMap may seem less expressive, but I will wager that everything Series can do efficiently, GMap can also do. And it's really quite easy to use.
If you're interested, check it out:
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