Monday, January 6, 2025

Substitution vs. State Transition

With a traditional curly-brace language, you have a model of a machine. A program specifies a sequence of state transitions that the machine should go through. When all the state transitions have taken place, the machine is in a final state, and the program is done.

As a programmer, you have to keep a mental model of the state of the machine at various points in the program. Your mental model has to include a temporal element — you have to remember what instruction you are working on, and what comes next. For each instruction, you have to consider the state before and after executing the instruction.

Lisp is very different from this. A Lisp program isn't a series of instructions, it is a tree of symbols. If you don’t use side effects, you can think of the Lisp interpreter as a simple substitution engine that operates on this tree. The interpreter just substitutes symbols with their values. You don’t have to consider any state before and after substitution because substitution doesn’t change anything.

Even if you do use side effects, you can still think of the interpreter as a substitution engine, but the substitution algorithm is more complicated. You will need a mental model that includes state and a temporal component, but it is still basically a substitution model.

Substitution models are easier to reason about than state transition models. This is why Lisp is so powerful. It takes a little practice to get used to programming with a simple substitution model. That’s why Lisp has a learning curve, especially for people who expect, and are used to, a state transition model.

You can also reason about a Lisp program using a state transition model. You can switch between the two models and use whatever mental model is most appropriate for the problem at hand.

You can impose a substitution model on curly-brace language, but it is more difficult. Curly-brace languages are designed to make you think about state transitions — indeed, many such languages force you to use a state transition to accomplish even the most simple conditionals and iterations — and the language doesn’t make it easy to ignore them and focus on the final value.

If Lisp is your first computer language, you learn the simple substitution model first. You’ll eventually have to learn about state transitions because they are needed to explain side effects. But you’ll mostly want to write programs that you can reason about using a substitution model. If you learn a curly-brace language first, you’ll have to think beyond the state transition model you have been taught and are using to reason about programs.

Many people find it difficult to learn how to reason with a new model. After all, the old model should work — it is universal. “Just assign the variable, don’t make me jump through hoops.” People who have a hard time wrapping their heads around substitution will probably find Lisp confusing and frustrating. But some people are able to embrace the substitution model and learn how it relates to the state transition model. These people will find Lisp to be a mind-expanding, powerful, expressive language.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

GitHub glitch bites hard (and update)

Update: Possible rogue process

GitHub reports that the call that removed the users was not the Copilot API but rather a call to the org membership API made by one of our bots.

We have a cron job that runs daily and keeps GitHub in sync with our internal databases. When GitHub and our internal databases disagree, the cron job makes API calls to reconcile the difference. It has the ability to remove users if it think they are no longer supposed to be members of the org.

It seems to have erroneously removed a large number of members. It was purely coincidence that I was editing copilot licenses at or around the time.

The question now is why? My hypothesis is that a query to our internal database only produced a partial result. The number of people determined to be valid users was far fewer than it should have been, and the cron job acted (correctly) and removed the users that were not verified by the database query. But it is hard to say for sure. I’ll need to check the cron job logs to see if I can determine what went wrong. It is very unusual, though. I’ve been here for years and I’ve never seen the cron job glitch out before. This is my working hypothesis for the moment. Perhaps it was some other error that made it think that the membership was greatly reduced.

I got bit hard by a GitHub bug last week.

Now GitHub has “organizations” which are owners of groups of repositories. GitHub carefully handles organization membership. You cannot directly join an organization, you must be invited by the organization. This gives the organization control over who can join the organization. But an organization also cannot directly add you as a member. It can invite you to join, but you must choose to accept the invitation. This gives you control over which organizations you are associated with. Membership in an organization is jointly controlled by the organization and the member. There is no way to bypass this.

This is source of friction in the onboarding process in our company. We have a few repositories on GitHub that are owned by the company. When a new hire joins the company, we want to make them members of the organization. GitHub does not provide any way to automate this. Instead, we direct new hires to an internal web site that will authenticate and authorize them and then let them issue an invitation to join the organization. GitHub won’t give them access until they accept the invitation. This is a manual process that is error prone and places the burden of doing it correctly on the new hire. We often have to intervene and walk them through the process.

Keep this in mind.

Our company provides GitHub Copilot to our developers. Some developers like it, but many of our developers choose not to use it. While Copilot licenses are cheap, there is no point in paying for a license that is not used. The UI for GitHub Copilot will display the last time a person used Copilot. It is easy to see a small set of our users who have never logged on to Copilot. We decided to save a few bucks by revoking unused Copilot licenses. We reasoned that we could always turn it back on for them if they wanted to use it.

To test this out, I selected a few of the users who had never logged in to Copilot. I turned off the checkbox next to their names in the Copilot UI and clicked the save button. It appeared to work.

Within an hour I started getting complaints. People who claimed to be active Copilot users were getting messages that their Copilot access was revoked. It seems that the UI had listed several active users as “never logged in” and I had just revoked their access.

It got worse. I had only revoked a few licenses, but dozens of people had had their access revoked. It seems that GitHub had eagerly revoked the licenses of far more people than I had selected.

It got even worse. I have a list of everyone who should have access, so I know who to re-enable. But I cannot re-enable them. It seems that in addition to revoking their Copilot access, GitHub had taken the extra step of removing their membership in the organization. I cannot restore their membership because of the way GitHub handles organization membership, so until they visit our internal web site and re-issue the invitation to the organization, I cannot restore their Copilot access. This has been a monumental headache.

I’ve spent the week trying to explain to people why their Copilot access and organization membership was revoked, what steps they need to take to restore it, and why I cannot restore it for them.

It looks like I’m going to be spending a lot of time on this next week as well.

GitHub has an enterprize offering that allows you to automate account creation and organization membership. We've been considering this for a while. Unfortunately, you cannot mix legacy accounts with enterprize accounts, so we would have to atomically migrate the entire company and all the accounts to the enterprize offering. This would be a risky endeavor for only a little gain in convenience.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

fold-… and monoids

Suppose you satisfy these axioms:

  • you have a binary function • and a set that • is closed over (i.e. for all x, y in the set, xy is in the set)
  • • is associative, ((a • b) • c) = (a • (b • c))
  • There is an an identity element I: a • I = I • a = a

Then • is called a semigroup or “monoid”.

Monoids come from abstract algebra, but they are ubiquitous in computer science. Here are some monoids: string-append over strings, addition over integers, state transition over machine states, compose over unary functions.

Alternatively, we can define a monoid as a binary function • that is closed under folds fold-left or fold-right. That is, (fold-left #’• I list-of-set-elements) is an element of the set. Folds abstract the processing lists of set elements. The walk through the list, the end test, and the accumulation of the result are all taken care of by the implementation of fold. You get to focus on the monoid that acts on each element.

Folds come in two flavors: fold-left and fold-right. fold-left has an obvious iterative implementation, but the result is accumulated left to right, which can come out backwards. fold-right has an obvious recursive implementation which accumulates right to left, The result comes out in the right order, but the recursion can cause problems if the stack space is limited.

Here are some stupid tricks you can do with folds and monoids.

Create n-ary functions

If we curry the call to fold, we extend the binary function of two arguments to an n-ary function of a list of arguments. For example, n-ary addition is just a fold over binary addition. (fold-left #’+ 0 list-of-integers). Likewise, n-ary compose is just a fold over binary compose.

Fold-… is self documenting

If I haven’t used fold-left or fold-right in a while, I sometimes forget which one computes what. But fold-left and fold-right can document themselves: use a combining function that returns the list (F a b) to indicate a call to F:

> (fold-left (lambda (a b) (list ’F a b)) ’|...| ’(c b a))
(F (F (F |...| C) B) A)

> (fold-right (lambda (a b) (list ’F a b)) ’(a b c) ’|...|)
(F A (F B (F C |...|)))

You can see the structure of the recursion by using list as the combining function:

> (fold-left #’list ’|...| ’(c b a))
(((|...| C) B) A)

> (fold-right #’list ’(a b c) ’|...|)
(A (B (C |...|)))

fold-… works on groups

A group is a special case of a monoid where the combining function is also invertible. fold-… can be used on a group as well. For example, fold-left can be used on linear fractional transformations, which are a group under function composition.

fold-… as an accumulator

The combining function in fold-left must be at least semi-closed: the output type is the same as the type of the left input. (In fold-right, the output type is the same as the type of the right input.) This is so we can use the output of the prior call as the input to the next call. In effect, we set up a feedback loop between the output to one of the inputs of the binary function. This feedback loop has a curious property: it behaves as if it has state. This is happens even though both fold-… and the combining functions are pure functions. The state appears to arise from the feedback loop.

We can use fold-… to accumulate a value. For fold-left, at each iteration, the accumulator is passed as the first (left) argument to the combining function while the next element of the list is the second (right) argument. The combining function returns a new value for the accumulator (it can return the old value if nothing is to be accumulated on this step). The result of the fold-left is the final value of the accumulator.

Note that because the accumulated value is passed as the first argument, you cannot use cons as the combining function to accumulate a list. This is unfortunate because it seems obvious to write (fold-left #’cons ’() ...) to accumulate a list, but that isn’t how it works. However, if you swap the arguments to cons you’ll accumulate a list:

(defun xcons (cdr car) (cons car cdr))

(defun revappend (elements base)
  (fold-left #’xcons base elements))

fold-… as a state machine

Although fold-left is commonly used to accumulate results, it is more general than that. We can use fold-left as a driver for a state machine. The second argument to fold-left is the initial state, and the combining function is the state transition function. The list argument provides a single input to the state machine on each state transition.

For example, suppose you have a data structure that is a made out of nested plists. You want to navigate down through the plists to reach a final leaf value. We set up a state machine where the state is the location in the nested plists and the state transition is navigation to a deeper plist.

(defun getf* (nested-plists path)
  (fold-left #’getf nested-plists path))

Alternatively, we could drive a state machine by calling fold-left with an initial state and list of state transtion functions:

(defun run-state-machine (initial-state transitions)
  (fold-left (lambda (state transition)
               (funcall transition state))

Visualizing fold-left

If we unroll the recursion in fold-left, and introduce a temp variable to hold the intermediate result, we see the following:

(fold-left F init ’(c b a))

temp ← init
temp ← F(temp, c)
temp ← F(temp, b)  
temp ← F(temp, a)

I often find it easier to write the combining function in a fold-… by visualizing a chain of combining functions wired together like this.

Generating pipelines

Now let’s partially apply F to its right argument. We do this by currying F and immediately supplying an argument:

(defun curry-left (f)
  (lambda (l)
    (lambda (r)
      (funcall f l r))))

(defun curry-right (f)
  (lambda (r)
    (lambda (l)
      (funcall f l r))))

(defun partially-apply-left (f l)
  (funcall (curry-left f) l))

(defun partially-apply-right (f r)
  (funcall (curry-right f) r))

We can partially apply the combining function to the elements in the list. This gives us a list of one argument functions. In fact, for each set element in the set associated with our monoid, we can associate a one-argument function. We can draw from this set of one-argument functions to create pipelines through function composition. So our visualization

temp ← init
temp ← F(temp, c)
temp ← F(temp, b)  
temp ← F(temp, a)


temp ← init
temp ← Fc(temp)
temp ← Fb(temp)  
temp ← Fa(temp)

We can write this pipeline this way:

result ← Fa ← Fb ← Fc ← init

or this way:

result ← (compose Fa Fb Fc) ← init

We can pretend that the elements of the set associated with monoid are pipeline stages. We can treat lists of set elements as though they are pipelines.

Notice how we never write a loop. We don’t have the typical list loop boilerplate

(if (null list)
         ... base case ...
  (let ((element (car list))
        (tail (cdr list)))
    ... ad hoc per element code ...
    (iter tail)))

Instead, we have a function that processes one element at a time and we “lift” that function up to process lists of elements.

Pipelines are easier to reason about than loops. fold-… converts loops into pipelines.

It takes a little practice to use fold-… in the less obvious ways. Once you get used to it, you’ll see them everywhere. You can eliminate many loops by replacing them with fold-….

Monoids vs. Monads

A monad is a monoid over a set of curried functions. You use a variant of compose to combine the curried functions. Monads force sequential processing because you set up a pipeline and the earlier stages of the pipeline naturally must run first. That is why monads are used in lazy languages to embed imperative subroutines.

A Newbie Is Exposed to Common Lisp

At ChangeSafe our product was written in Common Lisp. But for "black box" testing, we didn't need the test code to be written in Common Lisp. In fact, we wanted the test code to be written in an unrelated language so that we could be sure that the product's API was language neutral.

Skill in Common Lisp was simply not a requirement — not even relevant — for QA jobs. We were a startup company, so the initial hires for QA would set the culture for the department. We were looking for people who had initiative, were self-motivated, could work with vague and underspecified guidance, figure out the job that needed to be done, and then do it. We found a young guy named Eric who fit the bill.

Eric set up our QA efforts and wrote the initial black box test code for the product. In his spare time, off the clock, he got curious about Common Lisp and why we chose to develop the product using it. He had never heard of the language. He decided to pick up the Common Lisp specification and teach himself the language. I told him that it was unnecessary for the job, but I didn't discourage him from broadening his horizons.

Eric came to me early on and asked me to explain some details about Common Lisp. He had just learned about lambda expressions and was trying them out with mapcar and other higher-order functions. It was obvious to him that a lambda expression was capturing the local stack variables. When the lambda was passed downwards to mapcar, it was able to access the variables from its point of origin further up the stack. He could see the potential, and thought it was an interesting feature.

Then, just to see what would happen, he returned a lambda expression up the stack. To his suprise, it still worked, even though the stack frame was no longer there. He had three questions for me the next day: Was this intentional? How did it work? And why would anyone do this?

I assured him that it was intentional. The feature worked by the compiler generating code to move the captured variables off of the stack and into the heap. The designers of Lisp wanted lambda expressions to “just work”, regardless of how you passed them around. The correct engineering decision — the “right thing” — was to place the burden of making this happen on the language implementor, not on the user of lambda expressions.

I told him that the reason we used Common Lisp was because the designers of the language placed a high value on doing thing “the right way”. Things were carefully designed to be easy to use and to work correctly, even in the corner cases. It was recognized that this would make it more difficult to implement the language, but a lot easier to program in it.

Eric was, quite frankly, impressed by this. It was clear to him that the designers of Lisp were in a league of their own. He couldn't wait to learn more about the language.

Incidentaly, Eric wasn't the least bit put off by the paretheses. He considered them to be a quirk that was ideomatic of the language. Some languages use infix notation, some calculators use postfix. Lisp happened to use prefix notation. It was no big deal.

Eric was a great hire and had the potential to go far had the company not gone under when the internet bubble burst.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Dvorak and Lisp

I use a slightly modified Dvorak keyboard. It is like a standard Dvorak keyboard, but the parentheses have been relocated to be unshifted keys.

I don't believe Dvorak is any faster than QWERTY, but it feels more comfortable to me, and the unshifted parens make Lisp a lot easier to type.

Except for the word lambda. The M, B, and D, are all right index finger.


REBOL 1.0 Was Slow

Rebol 1.0 was slow. I paid little attention to speed in the implementation — I was concerned with correctness. The intepreter was intended to be a reference implementation, with well-defined behavior on every edge case. My intent was to add a compiler at a later date.

Once source of slowness was the liberal use of first-class continuations in the interpreter. Rebol 1.0 used a “Cheney on the MTA” interpretation strategy, where no function ever returned a value and the stack simply got deeper and deeper. When the stack overflowed, a stack garbage collection was triggered. Since most of the stack was garbage, this was a fast operation (I used a garbage collector that used time proportional to live storage). With such an implementation, first-class continuations were trivial to implement — all continuations were first-class, it was just a question of whether you surfaced them to the user. I didn’t have an ideological belief either way, but there they were, so why not? Many control flow constructs that would otherwise require an ad hoc implementation can be easily implemented with first-class continuations.

Rebol had return statements that would return control to the caller from within the function. 99% of the time, the caller is sitting on the stack just above the current frame. But 1% of the time, the user would do something weird like create a lexical closure over the return statement and pass it downward. Like as not he didn’t deliberately do this, but rather used some library that was implemented in continuation-passing style. If this happened, the return statement might have to unwind an arbitrary amount of stack. To implement this, I captured the current continuation at the entry of each function and bound it to the implicit “return” variable. Invoking return invoked the continuation and returned control to the caller. The advantage of doing it this way was that return statements had the correct semantics under all circumstances. There were no special rules governing use of return and no code had to have special cases for unexpected returns.

A similar thing happened in the implementation of break and continue in loops. These were implemented by capturing the continuation at the entry of the loop and binding it to the implicit break variable, and capturing the continuation on each iteration and binding it to the implicit continue variable. Because these were first-class continuations, they could be used to restart the loop after it exited. That wasn’t a requirement. I was perfectly happy to stipulate that break and continue only work while a loop is in progress, but in Rebol 1.0, they’d continue to work after the loop finished.

Worrying about continuations captured in lexical closures may seem weird, but it’s a real issue. It is common to introduce implicit lexical contours in a program: even a let expression does it. You would like to be able to use break and continue in the body of a let expression in a loop. Some Rebol constructs were implemented by implicitly macroexpanding the code into a call to a helper function. break and continue would work across function call boundaries, so there were no limitations on introducing helper functions within a loop.

A more traditional language has a handful of ad hoc iteration constructs that are implemented with special purpose code. The special purpose code knows it is a loop and can be optimized for this. break and continue statements have a special dependency on the enclosing loop.

Rebol 1.0 was properly tail recursive, so there was no special implementation of loops. They were ordinary functions that happened to call themselves. Non-standard iteration constructs could be created by the user by simply writing code that called itself. break and continue just surfaced the interpreter’s continuation to the user. As a consequence, loops in Rebol 1.0 were implemented completely in Rebol code but had signifcant interpreter overhead.

Rebol 2.0 and later are not properly tail recusive. As a consequence, special looping constructs are required to be written in C to support iteration. Common iteration constucts such as for and while are provided and do not have interpreter overhead, but if you want a non-standard iteration construct, there is no way to achieve it. You have to re-write your code to use one of the built-in iteration constructs or go without and risk blowing the stack.

My intent was to eventually write a compiler for Rebol. I wrote a prototype called Sherman that compiled to MIT-Scheme and was supported by the MIT-Scheme runtime library. Loops compiled with Sherman ran quickly as expected.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

GitHub Copilot Revisited

It’s been a year since I wrote a review of GitHub Copilot. A reader asked me to write an update. He wanted to know what I thought of the apparent negative effects of Copilot on the quality of code in several codebases.

GitHub Copilot acts as an autocomplete tool. Suggested completions appear in the editor as you enter code. You can accept the suggestion or ignore it. But your frame of mind informs how you decide whether to accept or ignore a suggestion. Here are a few of the ways you can interact with GitHub Copilot.

The StackOverflow mode. On the StackOveflow web site, you’ll find questions about coding and answers that often contain sample code. As an engineer, you craft the solution to your specific problem by adapting some of the sample code to your specific needs. The problem with StackOverflow is that the quality of the answers varies widely. Some answers come with some well written and well tested sample code. Other times you’ll find that someone posts a code snippet that they didn’t even attempt to run. Sometimes the code in the answer is just plain wrong. You have to draw on your engineering skills to carefully evaluate and adapt the code you find on StackOverflow.

In StackOverflow mode, you pretend that GitHub Copilot is a StackOverflow search engine. You prompt Copilot to generate snippets of code. You evaluate the generated code as though it were taken from a StackOverflow answer. The code may be fairly well written and work as is, it might be completely wrong, or it might be somewhere inbetween. You have to be be prepared to evaluate the code critically. You may need to tweak the code to make it work in your specific context. There may be subtle bugs you need to watch for.

The autocomplete mode. When using Copilot in this mode, you treat Copilot as an autocomplete tool. As you type your program, Copilot will attempt to complete the snippet you are typing. The best way to interact with Copilot in this mode is to ignore most of the suggested completions and only accept the ones that are obviously right. Often Copilot suggests exactly what you were going to type anyway. Accept those suggestions. You don’t want to spend the time and intellectual energy evaluating and adapting suggested code in this mode. You just to want to get your code written quickly. Accept the code that saves you typing and reject everything else.

Code generation mode. Copilot is pretty good at discovering repeated patterns in your code. In code generation mode, you craft some prompt code attempting to induce Copilot to generate templated output. Typically writing out one or two examples of a repeating pattern of code is sufficient for Copilot to get the gist of what you are doing and have it automatically generate the next few repetitions.

Each of these modes of interacting with GitHub Copilot requires different amounts of attention and focus, and applying your attention and focus to different areas. To get the most out of Copilot, you need to be able to switch your attention and focus between the interaction modes. The better you can do this, the more you will get out of Copilot. It takes practice.

Copilot produces mediocre code. It’s not imaginative, it doesn’t have the big picture. It writes the same code that J. Random Neckbeard would write. Mr. Neckbeard will hack out servicable solutions, but won’t craft elegant ones. If you let Copilot take over writing large sections of code, you’ll end up with a pile of bad code. It may run, but it will be hard to read, understand, and maintain. You have to assert yourself and not let Copilot take control.

When you use Copilot, you have to be the boss. It’s too easy to be lazy and accept suggestons that Copilot makes because although they aren’t great, and they aren’t what you would have written, they are adequate. Do this enough and the resulting code won’t be great, but instead barely adequate. Resist the temptation to be lazy and reject suggestions that aren’t what you want.

I’ve been using Copilot for over a year now. I’ve used it in anger on a medium sized go project. It turns out that if you point Copilot at a text file or html file, it will generate prose as well as source code. As you write, Copilot will try to finish your sentences. If you let it do this too much, you’ll end up sounding like a section of a Wikipedia article. It is best to already have some text in mind and let Copilot try to guess what it is. Reject the suggestion when it guesses wrong. This way you can use Copilot to save you typing, but you sound like yourself. Copilot does however, occasionally suggest continuations that raise points you hadn’t addressed. The suggestion may be a bit of a non-sequitur at the point where it is made, but I’ve found that Copilot can remind me of things I’ve forgotten to mention.

Copilot is not a pair programmer. It is a complex program generation model with a front-end that appears to have a deceptively shallow learning curve. There are several different ways to effectively use Copilot, but they all present themselves as autocomplete. It takes time and practive to learn the different effective ways to use Copilot and to switch between them as you program.

If you are J. Random Neckbeard, Copilot will help you become much more prolific without a lot of effort. But if your standards are higher, you’ll have to work harder to get the most out of Copilot, and you’ll find yourself rejecting it more. Be prepared to put a few months of effort into practicing the different ways to use Copilot. Like any complex tool, it takes time to get good at using it.

Can you trust Copilot? Can you trust an engineer who uses Copilot? Ask yourself, do you trust StackOverflow? Do you trust an engineer who uses StackOverflow? Do you trust your engineers? Copilot may be the ultimate source of buggy code, but the engineer is responsible.

Many codebases have reported a decrease in quality since Copilot has come on the scene. I think it is reasonable to discourage its use in these codebases. But I don’t think Copilot makes programmers worse. It makes lazy programmers more prolific, which is probably not what you want. If you are a good programmer, Copilot can be a useful tool in your toolbox. If you are careful to not let Copilot write too much of your code, you can save time without your code suffering.