Thursday, May 16, 2024

Readability at Google

Over the years I was a developer at Google I never once tried to pass “readability” for any language. If you didn’t have “readability”, then any code you checked in would need an additionally review by someone who did have “readability”. The theory was that the code base would turn into an unreadable patchwork of different styles if everyone didn't adhere to the same set of rules. By having a “readability” requirement, the code base would be uniform and understandable. In practice, however, it was a social signal that indicated whether you were a card carrying member of the “in” group or not. Having “readability” meant you were a nobleman. Not having it meant you were a commoner.

To get “readability” you had to endure a struggle session with a current holder of “readability”. You would submit a not insubstantial amount of code for review and the reviewer would go over it with a fine-tooth comb pointing out every little syntactic rule you broke. It was a game of gotcha designed to make the reviewer feel smarter than you. You’d then return to your office or cubicle, make changes and iterate. If you were lucky, you would only need two or three iterations before you were bestowed with “readability”. The point was not to demonstrate that you knew how to write readable code, but to demonstrate that you were willing to submit to the authority of the reviewer and follow a set of arbitrary rules, no matter how absurd. It was a hazing ritual, a way to show that you were willing to be a team player.

A problem with having “readability” was that you were expected to uphold the “readability” guidelines. Not only did you have to play the game, you had to perpetuate it. I disagreed with a lot of the guidelines because they were poorly thought out rules for the sake of having rules. There were many situations in which they would reduce the comprehensibility of the code. By not having “readability”, I was free to write code that was easier to understand and maintain, even if bent or broke the codified rules.

This isn’t to say that I ignored Google’s style. It is hard to understand code that switches styles every few lines. I tried to make my code fit in to the surrounding code and look like it was part of it. I wrote new files with same general layout, curly brace conventions, and indentation that a typical Google file has. I didn’t worry about following “readability” guidelines at all, but I didn’t flout the guidelines either. I more concerned about my code being comprehended by the next developer than following a set of ad hoc rules to the letter.

So I got used to submitting my code for “readability” review, in addition to the normal code review. I off-loaded the entire responsibility of “readability” to the reviewer and let them tell me what to do. I didn’t argue with them. I simply followed the directions of the reviewer and made whatever changes were suggested. Often, though, changes to the code to more strictly follow the guidelines would result in noticeably worse code and the reviewers would soon withdraw their suggestions.

Another problem of being a nobleman with “readability” is that you had the obligation to review the code written by the commoners. The people with “readability” was a small enough group that they soon became the bottleneck in the review process. They were constantly overworked with code reviews. We commoners, on the other hand, weren’t expected to review code. Nor were we to blame if someone else is holding up the code review.

Frankly, I didn’t see any upside of having “readability” and many downsides. I was able to get my code checked in without too much trouble and I just didn’t have the time or inclination to get involved in the high-school politics of “readability”. Plenty of other companies do not have a “readability” ritual. They seem to get along just fine by hiring people who can write code that is easy to understand and maintain.

Friday, May 10, 2024

The Way of Lisp or The Right Thing

Interpreting Richard Gabriel with a nod to Tim Peters

Keep it simple.
A simple interface is better than a simple implementation.
Complete is better than simple.
Consistent is better than complete.
Correctness trumps all. Incorrectness is simply not allowed.
If the interface is hard to use, it is probably a bad idea.
If the interface is easy to use, it may be a good idea.
A weak language makes it hard to write good code, but a powerful language makes it easy to write bad code that looks good.
The first thing that comes to mind is not always the best thing.
When performance matters, get your declarations right.
There is always another way to do it, and maybe a better one.
Lists aren’t the only data type.
The right thing and 2 shillings will get you a cup of tea.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Motion without Integration

A game where things move around has equations of motion that describe how objects move. We need to solve these to produce the locations of the objects as a function of time, and we have to do it in lock step real time. Fortunately, we usually don’t need highly realistic models or highly accurate results. Game phyiscs, while inspired by real world physics, can be crude approximations.

If the velocity of an object changes over time, we need to integrate the velocity to determine the position. This is typically done with forward Euler integration: the current velocity is multiplied by a small Δt and this is added to the current position. In other words, we assume the object moves linearly over the amount of time represented by Δt. If Δt is small enough, the linear segments of motion will approximate the actual curve of motion.

In a game, we use the game loop, which runs every few milliseconds, as our source of time. We subtract the current time from the previous time the game loop was run to obtain our Δt. We update each object’s state using forward Euler integration over Δt.

Our game loop keeps track of the last time it was run and subtracts that from the current time. It runs entity-step! on each entity in the game, passing in dticks.

(let ((start-tick (sdl2:get-ticks)))
  (let ((last-tick start-tick))
      (let* ((tick (- (sdl2:get-ticks) start-tick))
             (dticks (- tick last-tick)))
        (map nil (lambda (entity)
                   (entity-step! entity dticks))
        (setq last-tick tick)))))

entity-step! performs our forward Euler integration:

(defun entity-step! (entity dticks)
  (incf (position entity) (* (velocity entity) dticks)))

Assuming the game loop runs reasonably frequently, the position of the entity will be a reasonable approximation of the integral of the velocity. If the game loop gets delayed for some reason, e.g. garbage collection, the corresponding increase in the value of dticks will make up for it.

But sometimes we have the fortune of having a closed form solution to the time integral. If this is the case, we can compute the entity’s state directly and we don’t need to integrate the state changes on every iteration of the game loop. Let me give two examples.

In the platformer game, there are potions that the player can take to restore his health. A potion appears as a vial that floats above the ground. A “bobbing” effect is achieved by changing the height above the ground in a time varying manner. Now we could implement this by having the game loop modify the y position of the potion on each iteration, but there is a closed form solution. We can compute the y position at any time by adding a constant base y position to a factor of the sine of the current time. This is easily done by specializing the get-y method on potions:

;;; Make potions bob up and down.
(defmethod get-y ((object potion))
  (+ (call-next-method)
     (* 5 (sin (* 2 pi (/ (sdl2:get-ticks) 1000))))))

call-next-method invokes the next most specific method — in this case, the get-y method of the entity class, which returns the base y position. We add a sine wave based on the current time.

This is only thing we need to modify to make a potion bob up and down. Values dependent on the y position, such as the attackbox, will bob up and down with the potion because it uses the get-y method to determine what the potion is.

A second example is cannonball motion. Cannonballs travel linearly away from the cannon at a constant velocity. Rather than stepping the cannonball by adding its velocity to its position on each update, we specialize the get-x method on cannonballs

(defmethod get-x ((cannonball cannonball))
  (+ (call-next-method)
     (* (get-speed cannonball)
        (- (sdl2:get-ticks) (get-start-tick cannonball)))))

If we specialize both the get-x and get-y methods we can easily get objects to trace out any desired parametric curve, like a Lissajous figure.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Animation: Two Methods

Animated sprites are much cooler that static ones and really make your game come to life. They are pretty easy to implement, but there are a couple of ways to implement them, and I've seen several projects use the less optimal strategy.

The less optimal strategy is straightforward. We keep a time counter in the animated entity and increment it every time we update the entity. When the counter exceeds the amount of time for an animation frame, we advance to the next frame and reset the ticker.

(defclass entity ()
  ((animation-ticker :initform 0 :accessor animation-ticker)))

(defun entity-step! (entity dticks)
  (incf (animation-ticker entity) dticks)
  (when (> (animation-ticker entity) ticks-per-frame)
    (advance-to-next-frame! entity)
    (decf (animation-ticker entity) ticks-per-frame)))

Now this works, but the reason it is less optimal is that it involves maintaining time varying state in the entity. Recall that the game has two primary threads running: a render thread which runs 60 times a second and draws the game on the screen, and an game loop thread which runs maybe 200 times a second and updates the state of the entities in the game. The point of this is to separate and abstract the drawing of the game from the running of the mechanics of the game. By using this less optimal method, we involve the game loop thread in maintaining state that is used only by the render thead. To anthromorphize, the entity “knows” that it is animated and is taking an active role in keeping things moving.

A better way is to put the responsibility of animation solely within the render thread by having it select which animation frame to display when it draws the sprite. The sprite contains a vector of animation frames and a timestamp at which the animation was started. When redrawing the sprite, the elapsed time is computed by subtracting the start timestamp from the current time, and the frame to display is computed by dividing the elapsed time by the time per frame modulo the length of the frame vector.

(defclass animation ()
  ((start-tick :initform (get-ticks) :reader start-tick)
   (frames :initarg frames :reader frames)))

(defun display-animation! (animation)
   (let* ((elapsed-time (- (get-ticks) (start-tick animation)))
          (absolute-frame (floor elapsed-time ticks-per-frame))
          (frame (mod absolute-frame (length (frames animation)))))
     (display-frame! (svref (frames animation) frame))))

This way of doing it no longer needs time varying state, and we’ve abstracted the display of the animation from the handling of the entity’s state. The entity no longer has to “know” that it is animated or do anything about it. There no longer has to be communication between the game loop thread and the render thread on every animation frame. This could be important if the render thread is running on a different machine than the game loop thread. If the game loop thread lags (maybe because of garbage collection or entering the error handler), we still get smooth animation.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Statements and Expressions

In some languages, like Lisp and OCaml, every language construct is an expression that returns a value. Other languages, like Java or Python, have two kinds of language constructs: expressions, which combine compositionally and which have return values, and statements, which combine sequentially and which have no return values and thus must operate by side effect. Having statements in your language needlessly makes things more complicated, but language designers seem to want to go much further and add complexity that just seems capricious.

You cannot usually use a statement in a context where an expression is expected because there is no return value. You can use an expression where a statement is expected by simply discarding the return value. This means there are two kinds of contexts. A sane designer would provide a way to switch between statement and expression contexts, but language designers typically omit these.

Language constructs, such as binding or iteration, must be provided as statements or expressions or both. Language designers seem to randomly decide which constructs are statements and which are expressions based on whims and ease of compiler implementation. If you need to use a construct, but aren’t in the right kind of context, you need to switch contexts, but without a way to do this, you may have to rewrite code. For example, if you have a subexpression that could raise an exception that you want to handle, you’ll have to rewrite the containing expression as a series of statements.

A sane language designer would use the same syntax for the same construct in both expression and statement form, but typically the construct will have a very different syntax. Consider sequential statements in C. They are terminated by semicolons. But sequential expressions are separated by commas. Conditional statements use if/else, but conditional expressions use ?:. When refactoring, you cannot simply move code between contexts, you have to change the syntax as well.

Writing a function adds a new expression to the language. But function bodies aren’t expressions, they are statements. This automatically destroys referential transparency because you cannot substitute the function body (statements) at the call site (expression context).

try/catch is a nightmare. Usually you only get try/catch as a statement, not an expression, so you cannot use exception handling in a subexpression. You cannot get a value out of a try/catch without a side effect. Throw, on the other hand, throws a value, so it could throw to an expression context, except that catch is a statement.

Having two kinds of language constructs and two different contexts in which you can use some of them but not others, and different syntaxes depending on the context just makes it that much more difficult to write programs. You have to keep track of which context is current and which syntax to use and constantly switch back and forth as you write a program. It would be easy for a compiler to introduce the necessary temporaries and rewrite the control flow so that you could use all language constructs in either context, but language designers don’t bother and leave it up to the programmer to do it manually.

And all this mess can be avoided by simply making everything be an expression that returns a value.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

State Machines

One of the things you do when writing a game is to write little state machines for objects that have non-trivial behaviors. A game loop runs frequently (dozens to hundreds of times a second) and iterates over all the state machines and advances each of them by one state. The state machines will appear to run in parallel with each other. However, there is no guarantee of what order the state machines are advanced, so care must be taken if a machine reads or modifies another machine’s state.

CLOS provides a particularly elegant way to code up a state machine. The generic function step! takes a state machine and its current state as arguments. We represent the state as a keyword. An eql specialized method for each state is written.

(defclass my-state-machine ()
  ((state :initarg :initial-state :accessor state)))

(defgeneric step! (state-machine state))

(defmethod step! ((machine my-state-machine) (state (eql :idle)))  
  (when (key-pressed?)
    (setf (state machine) :keydown)))

(defmethod step! ((machine my-state-machine) (state (eql :keydown)))
  (unless (key-pressed?)
    (setf (state machine) :idle)))

The state variables of the state machine would be held in other slots in the CLOS instance.

One advantage we find here is that we can write an :after method on (setf state) that is eql specialized on the new state. For instance, in a game the :after method could start a new animation for an object.

(defmethod (setf state) :after ((new-state (eql :idle)) (machine my-state-machine))
  (begin-idle-animation! my-state-machine))

Now the code that does the state transition no longer has to worry about managing the animations as well. They’ll be taken care of when we assign the new state.

Because we’re using CLOS dispatch, the state can be a class instance instead of a keyword. This allows us to create parameterized states. For example, we could have a delay-until state that contained a timestamp. The step! method would compare the current time to the timestamp and go to the next state only if the time has expired.

(defclass delay-until ()
  ((timestamp :initarg :timestamp :reader timestamp)))

(defmethod step! ((machine my-state-machine) (state delay-until))
  (when (> (get-universal-time) (timestamp state))
    (setf (state machine) :active)))


Each step! method will typically have some sort of conditional followed by an assignment of the state slot. Rather that having our state methods work by side effect, we could make them purely functional by having them return the next state of the machine. The game loop would perform the assignment:

(defun game-loop (game)
    (dolist (machine (all-state-machines game))
      (setf (state machine) (step machine (state machine))))))

(defmethod step ((machine my-state-machine) (state (eql :idle)))  
  (if (key-pressed?)

I suppose you could have state machines that inherit from other state machines and override some of the state transition methods from the superclass, but I would avoid writing such CLOS spaghetti. For any object you’ll usually want exactly one state transition method per state. With one state transition method per state, we could dispense with the keyword and use the state transition function itself to represent the state.

(defun game-loop (game)
    (dolist (machine (all-state-machines game))
      (setf (state machine) (funcall (state machine) machine)))))

(defun my-machine/state-idle (machine)
  (if (key-pressed?)
         (incf (kestroke-count machine))

(defun my-machine/state-keydown (machine)
  (if (key-pressed?)

The disadvantage of this doing it this way is that states are no longer keywords. They don’t print nicely or compare easily. An advantage of doing it this way is that we no longer have to do a CLOS generic function dispatch on each state transition. We directly call the state transition function.

The game-loop function can be seen as a multiplexed trampoline. It sits in a loop and calls what was returned from last time around the loop. The state transition function, by returning the next state transition function, is instructing the trampoline to make the call. Essentially, each state transition function is tail calling the next state via this trampoline.

State machines without side effects

The state transition function can be a pure function, but we can remove the side effect in game-loop as well.

We keep parallel lists of machines and their states (represented as state transition functions).

(defun game-loop (machines states)
  (game-loop machines (map 'list #'funcall states machines)))

Now we have state machines and a driver loop that are pure functional.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Plaformer Game Tutorial

I was suprised by the interest in the code I wrote for learning the platformer game. It wasn’t the best Lisp code. I just uploaded what I had.

But enough people were interested that I decided to give it a once over. At I have a rewrite where each chapter of the tutorial has been broken off into a separate git branch. The code is much cleaner and several kludges and idioticies were removed (and I hope none added).

Monday, April 1, 2024

You May Not Need That :around Method

I’ve seen this “anti-pattern” a few times in CLOS code. A superclass ’super will have a subclass ’sub and there will be a primary method specialized to the superclass.

(defmethod foo ((instance super) arg)
  (format t "~&Foo called on ~s." arg))

Then I’ll see an :around method defined on the subclass:

(defmethod foo :around ((instance sub) arg)
  (format t "~&Start foo...~%")
  (format t "~&End foo.~%"))
The intent here is clearly that code in the method specialized on the subclass is invoked “around” the call to the method specialized on the superclass.

But the :around qualifier is not necessary and probably doesn’t do what is intended. If we remove the :around qualifier, then the most specific primary method will be the foo method specialized on ’sub. And the (call-next-method) invokation will chain up to the foo method specialized on ’super. It will work as was likely intended.

:around methods are useful when the superclass wants to run a method “around” the subclass. :around methods are combined from least specific to most specific — the opposite order of primary methods — so that the superclass can wrap the call to the subclass. An good example of where an :around method would be handy is when you need to sieze a lock around the call to the method. The superclass would sieze the lock in an :around method that would run before any of the subclass primary methods ran.

Ordinary chaining of methods doesn’t need the :around qualifier. Just chain the methods.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

With- vs. call-with-

In Common Lisp, there are a lot of macros that begin with the word “with-”. These typically wrap a body of code, and establish a context around the execution of the code.

In Scheme, they instead have a lot of functions that begin with the words “call-with-”. They typically take a thunk or receiver as an argument, and establish a context around a call to the thunk or receiver.

Both of these forms accomplish the same sort of thing: running some user supplied code within a context. The Scheme way accomplishes this without a macro, but “call-with-” functions are rarely used as arguments to higher order functions. Writing one as a function is slightly easier than writing one as a macro because the compiler takes care of avoiding variable capture. Writing one as a macro leaves it up to the implementor to use appropriate gensyms. Writing one as a macro avoids a closure and a function call, but so does inlining the function. The macro form is slightly more concise because it doesn’t have a lambda at every call site. The function form will likely be easier to debug because it will probably involve a frame on the stack.

There’s no need to commit to either. Just write a “with-” macro that expands into a call to an inline “call-with-” function. This should equally please and irritate everyone.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Porting a Game from Java (update)

I didn’t expect anyone would be interested, so I just pushed the code that I had with little thought about anyone trying to use it. It turns out that some people actually wanted to run it, so I polished off some of the rough edges and made it easier to get working. Feel free to email me if you have questions or suggestions.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Porting a Game from Java

I decided to learn about games, so I followed along with a tutorial by Kaarin Gaming. His tutorial was written in Java, but of course I used Common Lisp. I made no attempt to faithfully replicate his design, but I followed it closely in some places, less so in others. The resulting program was more or less a port of the Java program to Common Lisp, so it not very remarkable in and of itself. Certainly I don’t expect many people to be interested in reading beyond this point.

It’s known that Java is wordy language and it shows in the end result. The tutorial had 3712 lines of Java code in 39 files and the equivalent Common Lisp was 2255 lines in 21 files. A typical Common Lisp file would contain more code than a typical Java file. It was often the case that a Common Lisp file would contain multiple classes.

Both versions used separate render and game mechanics threads. The render thread ran at about 60 frames per second where the game mechanics ran at 200 steps per second. The threads were mostly independent, but the game mechanics would occasionally have to query the render thread to find out whether an animation had completed or what frame the animation was on in order to synchronize attacks with reactions.

There were a couple of notable differences in the two implementations. The Java implementation would advance animation frames imperatively by incrementing the animation frame counter every few rendering cycles. The Common Lisp implementation would instead compute the animation frame functionally by subtracting the current time from the animation start time and dividing by the ticks per animation frame. In Common Lisp, different animation effects could be achieved by changing how the animation frame was computed. If you computed the frame number modulo the number of frames in the animation, you’d get an animation loop. If you clamped the frame number, you get a one-shot animation.

CLOS made some things easier. An :after method on the (setf get-state) of an entity would set the animation. The get-y method on some objects would (call-next-method) to get the actual y position and then add a time varying offset to make the object “float” in mid air. The get-x method on projectiles would would (call-next-method) to get the starting x position and then add a factor of the current ticks. This causes projectiles to travel uniformly horizontally across the screen. I often used the ability of CLOS to specialize on some argument other than the first one just to make the methods more readable.

The Common Lisp code is at, while the Java code is at Being a simple port of the Java code, the Common Lisp code is not exemplary, and since I didn’t know what I was doing, it is kludgy in places. The Common Lisp code would be improved by a rewrite, but I’m not going to. I was unable to find a sound library for Common Lisp that could play .wav files without a noticable delay, so adding sound effects to the game is sort of a non-starter. I think I’ve gotten what I can out of this exercise, so I’ll likely abandon it now.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Bilinear Fractional Transformations

A bilinear fractional transformation (BiLFT) is a two-argument function of the form

(lambda (x y)
  (/ (+ (* A x y) (* B x) (* C y) D)
     (+ (* E x y) (* F x) (* G y) H)))
William Gosper figured out how to use BiLFTs to perform linear fractional operations on infinite compositions of LFTs. It isn’t as hard as it might seem.

BiLFTs do not form a group under functional composition with LFTs, but they have this interesting property: if you hold either input to the BiLFT constant, the BiLFT becomes a LFT on the other input. So if we consider just one of the inputs at a time (or the output), we can apply some group-like operations.

You can compose LFTs with BiLFTs in three ways. First, you can run the output of a BiLFT into the input of a LFT. Second and third, you can run the output of a LFT into the either the x or y input of a BiLFT. Composing a LFT with a BiLFT in any of these ways produces another BiLFT, so there is some notion of closure under composition. Composing the identity LFT with a BiLFT in any of these ways does not change anything. For any composition of a LFT with a BiLFT, you can compose the inverse of the LFT to undo the composition.

BiLFTs can also form infinite compositions, but since there are two inputs, each input can be infinite. We cannot use a Scheme stream, but we can create a two-tailed stream-like object called a binary-expression. A binary-expression is a composition of two infinite compositions. We represent a binary-expression as an object with two delayed cdrs.

(defclass binary-expression ()
  ((generation :initarg :generation
               :initform 0)
   (bilft :initarg :bilft
          :initform (error "Required initarg :bilft was omitted."))
   (delayed-left :initarg :delayed-left
                 :initform (error "Required initarg :delayed-left was omitted."))
   (delayed-right :initarg :delayed-right
                  :initform (error "Required initarg :delayed-right was omitted."))))

Like a LFT, we use binary-expressions by trying to operate on the BiLFT, but forcing one of the tails and refining the binary-expression when necessary.

(defun refine-left (binary-expression)
  (let ((delayed-left (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-left)))
    (if (null delayed-left)
        (error "Attempt to refine-left on empty stream.")
        (let ((left (force delayed-left)))
          (make-instance 'binary-expression
                         :generation (+ (slot-value binary-expression 'generation) 1)
                         :bilft (compose-bilft-lft-x
                                 (slot-value binary-expression 'bilft)
                                 (if (empty-stream? left)
                                     (make-lft 1 1
                                               0 0)
                                     (stream-car left)))
                         :delayed-left (if (empty-stream? left)
                                           (stream-delayed-cdr left))
                         :delayed-right (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-right))))))

(defun refine-right (binary-expression)
  (let ((delayed-right (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-right)))
    (if (null delayed-right)
        (error "Attempt to refine-right on empty stream.")
        (let ((right (force delayed-right)))
          (make-instance 'binary-expression
                         :generation (+ (slot-value binary-expression 'generation) 1)
                         :bilft (compose-bilft-lft-y
                                 (slot-value binary-expression 'bilft)
                                 (if (empty-stream? right)
                                     (make-lft 1 1
                                               0 0)
                                     (stream-car right)))
                         :delayed-left (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-left)
                         :delayed-right (if (empty-stream? right)
                                            (stream-delayed-cdr right)))))))

refine-fairly alternates forcing the delayed-left or delayed-right tail while refine-disjoint looks at the overlap in the ranges of the BiLFT.

(defun refine-fairly (binary-expression)
  (if (zerop (mod (slot-value binary-expression 'generation) 2))
      (if (null (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-left))
          (refine-right binary-expression)
          (refine-left binary-expression))
      (if (null (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-right))
          (refine-left binary-expression)
          (refine-right binary-expression))))

(defun refine-disjoint (binary-expression)
  (if (bilft-disjoint? (slot-value binary-expression 'bilft))
      (refine-right binary-expression)
      (refine-left binary-expression)))

You can do arithmetic on infinite compositions by using the appropriate BiLFT:

(defparameter bilft-add 
  (make-bilft 0 1 1 0
              0 0 0 1))

(defparameter bilft-subtract 
  (make-bilft 0 1 -1 0
              0 0 0 1))

(defparameter bilft-multiply 
  (make-bilft 1 0 0 0
              0 0 0 1))

(defparameter bilft-divide 
  (make-bilft 0 1 0 0
              0 0 1 0))

Converting a binary-expression to a LFT stream

binary-expressions can be operated on in an analagous way to an infinite composition of LFTs, but in order to nest binary expressions, we need to be able to turn one into an infinite composition of LFTs so it can become the left or right input of the other. The way to do this is to generate a stream of LFTs and their inverses. The inverses are composed into the output of the binary-expression while the LFTs are composed downstream into one of the inputs of the next binary-expression.

The math works such that we can select any LFT that has an inverse, but we want our binary-expression to represent a narrowing transformation, so we try composing a few different LFTs and their inverses and see if we still have a narrowing transformation. If we find one, we proceed with the computation, but if we cannot find a LFT and its inverse that preserves the narrowing, we refine the binary-expression by forcing one of the two delayed inputs and composing it.

(defun decompose (left composed)
  (values left (funcall (inverse-lft left) composed)))

(defun decompose-range? (left composed if-success if-failure)
  (multiple-value-bind (left right) (decompose left composed)
    (if (range? right)  ;; does it still narrow?
        (funcall if-success left right)
        (funcall if-failure))))

(defun try-decompose-digit (lft if-success if-failure)
   (make-lft 2 1 0 1) lft
   (lambda ()
      (make-lft 1 0 1 2) lft
      (lambda ()
         (make-lft 3 1 1 3) lft
(defun binary-expression-decompose-digit (binary-expression)
   (slot-value binary-expression 'bilft)
   (lambda (digit bilft)
     (values digit (make-instance 'binary-expression
                                  :generation (slot-value binary-expression 'generation)
                                  :bilft bilft
                                  :delayed-left (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-left)
                                  :delayed-right (slot-value binary-expression 'delayed-right))))
   (lambda ()
     (binary-expression-decompose-digit (refine-disjoint binary-expression)))))

(defun binary-expression->lft-stream (binary-expression)
  (multiple-value-bind (digit remainder) (binary-expression-decompose-digit binary-expression)
    (cons-lft-stream digit 
                     (binary-expression->lft-stream remainder))))

Now we have the machinery we need to do arithmetic on pairs of LFT streams.

Infinite Expression Trees

You can only go so far with a finite number of arithmetic operations, but you can go much further with an infinite number. For example, you can create converging infinite series. We can recursively generate an infinite tree of binary expressions. We unfold the tree and call a generating function at each recursive level.

(defun unfold-expression-tree-1 (left generate counter)
  (funcall (funcall generate counter)
           (delay-lft-stream (unfold-expression-tree-1 left generate (+ counter 1)))))
Often the root of the tree is special, so the usual way we call this is
(defun unfold-expression-tree (root-bilft left generate)
  (funcall root-bilft
           (delay-lft-stream (unfold-expression-tree-1 left generate 1))))

Square Root of Infinite Composition

To compute the square root of an infinite composition, we create an infinite tree. Each level of the tree refines the estimate of the square root of the estimate from the next level down in the tree.

(defun sqrt-lft-stream (lft-stream)
    (constantly (make-bilft 1 2 1 0
                            0 1 2 1))
but we need not construct an infinite tree if each level is identical. We just re-use the level:
(defun sqrt-lft-stream (lft-stream)
  (let ((stream nil))
    (setq stream
          (funcall (make-bilft 1 2 1 0
                               0 1 2 1)
                   (delay-lft-stream stream)))
This feeds back the square root into its own computation. (These ideas are from Peter Potts and Reinhold Heckmann.)

ex and log(x)

Peter Potts gives these formulas for ex and log(x) where x is an infinite composition of LFTs:

(defun %exp-lft-stream (lft-stream)
   (lambda (n)
       (make-bilft (+ (* 2 n) 2) (+ (* 2 n) 1) (* 2 n) (+ (* 2 n) 1)
                   (+ (* 2 n) 1) (* 2 n) (+ (* 2 n) 1) (+ (* 2 n) 2)))
   (funcall (inverse-lft (make-lft 1 -1 1 1)) lft-stream)))

(defun %log-lft-stream (lft-stream)
   (make-bilft 1 1 -1 -1
               0 1  1  0)
   (lambda (n)
     (make-bilft n (+ (* n 2) 1)       (+ n 1) 0
                 0       (+ n 1) (+ (* n 2) 1) n))
These infinite expression trees converge only on a limited range, so we need to use identities on the arguments and results to extend the range to cover a wide set of inputs.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Infinite Composition

If you like functional composition, you’ll like linear fractional transformations (LFTs). They behave very nicely when you compose them (in fact, they are a group under functional composition). If you compose two LFTs, you get another LFT. You can keep composing as long as you wish. Let’s compose an infinite number of LFTs.

I suppose I should argue that composing an infinite number of LFTs will give you anything at all. Consider those LFTs with non-negative coefficients. When given an input in the range [0,∞], they will output a number in the range [A/C, B/D]. The output range is narrower than, and contained within, the input range. If we compose two such LFTs, the range of output of the outermost LFT will be even narrower. As we compose more and more of these narrowing LFTs, the range of output of the outermost LFT will become narrower and narrower. If we compose an infinite number of narrowing LFTs, the output range will narrow to a single point. Curiously, the limits on the range of output of a finite composition of LFTs are always rational numbers, yet the output from infinite composition of LFTs can be an irrational real number.

There are many ways to represent an infinite number of LFTs. A generator or a co-routine, for example, but I like the stream abstraction from Scheme. This is easily implemented in Common Lisp. A delay macro creates promises:

(defclass promise ()
  ((forced? :initform nil)
   (values-or-thunk :initarg :thunk
                    :initform (error "Required initarg :thunk omitted.")))
  (:documentation "A simple call-by-need thunk."))

(defmacro delay (expression)
  “Delays evaluation of an expression and returns a promise.”
  ‘(make-instance ’promise :thunk (lambda () ,expression)))
and the force function forces evaluation:
(defun force (promise)
  “Returns the values of a promise, forcing it if necessary.”
  (check-type promise promise)
  ;; Ensure the values have been memoized.
  (unless (slot-value promise ’forced?)
    (let ((values (multiple-value-list (funcall (slot-value promise ’values-or-thunk)))))
      ;; If this is not a recursive call, memoize the result.
      ;; If this is a recursive call, the result is discarded.
      (unless (slot-value promise ’forced?)
        (setf (slot-value promise ’values-or-thunk) values)
        (setf (slot-value promise ’forced?) t))))
   ;; Return the memoized values.
   (values-list (slot-value promise ’values-or-thunk)))
A stream is a cons of an element and a promise to produce the rest of the stream:
(defclass lft-stream ()
  ((car :initarg :car
        :initform (error "Required initarg :car omitted.")
        :reader stream-car)
   (delayed-cdr :initarg :delayed-cdr
                :initform (error "Required initarg :delayed-cdr omitted.")
                :reader stream-delayed-cdr)))

(defmacro cons-lft-stream (car cdr)
  ‘(make-instance ’stream :car ,car :delayed-cdr (delay ,cdr)))

(defun stream-cdr (stream)
  (force (stream-delayed-cdr stream)))

A stream of LFTs will represent an infinite composition. The first LFT is the outermost LFT in the composition. To incrementally compose the LFTs, we force the delayed cdr of the stream to get the second LFT. We compose the first LFT and the second LFT to get a new stream car, and the cdr of the delayed cdr is the new stream cdr. That is, we start with the stream {F …}, we force the tail, getting {F G …}, then we compose the first and second elements, getting {(F∘G) …}.

(defun refine-lft-stream (lft-stream)
  (let ((tail (stream-cdr lft-stream))) ;; forces cdr
    (make-instance ’stream
                   :car (compose (stream-car lft-stream) (stream-car tail))
                   :delayed-cdr (stream-delayed-cdr tail))))
so we can now write code that operates on what we have composed so far (in the car of the LFT stream), or, if we need to incrementally compose more LFTs, we repeatedly call refine-lft-stream until we have composed enough.

For example, we can compute the nearest float to an infinite composition as follows:

(defun nearest-single (lft-stream)
  (let ((f0 (funcall (stream-car lft-stream) 0))
        (finf (funcall (stream-car lft-stream) ’infinity)))
    (if (and (numberp f0)
             (numberp finf)
             (= (coerce f0 ’single-float)
                (coerce finf ’single-float)))
        (coerce f0 ’single-float)
        (nearest-single (refine-lft-stream lft-stream)))))

The problem with infinite compositions is that they may never narrow enough to proceed with a computation. For example, suppose an infinite composition converged to a number exactly in between two adjacent floating point numbers. The upper limit of the narrowing range will always round to the float that is above, while the lower limit will always round to the float that is below. The floats will never be equal no matter how many terms of the infinite composition are composed, so functions like nearest-single will never return a value. This is a tradeoff. We either continue computing, perhaps forever, with more and more precise values, or we stop at some point, perhaps giving an incorrect answer.

Operating on Infinite Compositions

You can compose a LFT with an infinite composition of LFTs. If we compose the LFT F with the infinite composition {G H …}, we can represent this one of two ways. Either we just tack the F on to the front, getting {F G H …}, or we continue further and eagerly compose the first two elements {(F∘G) H …}. If F is, for example, a LFT that adds 10 or multiplies by 7, the effect is to add 10 to or multiply by 7 the infinite composition. In this way, we can do arithmetic involving rational numbers and infinite compositions.

Sources of Infinite Compositions

It isn’t likely that you have a lot of ad hoc LFT streams you want to compose. Instead, we want some sources of infinite compositions. There are a few useful functions of finite arguments that return infinite compositions. I got these from Peter Potts's thesis. While most of these have limited ranges of arguments, you can use identity operations to divide down the input to an acceptable range and multiply up the output to the correct answer.


Reinhold Heckmann came up with this one:

(defun %sqrt-rat (p q)
  (let ((diff (- p q)))
    (labels ((rollover (num den)
               (let ((d (+ (* 2 (- den num)) diff)))
                 (if (> d 0)
                     (cons-lft-stream (make-lft 1 0 1 2) (rollover (* num 4) d))
                     (cons-lft-stream (make-lft 2 1 0 1) (rollover (- d) (* den 4)))))))
       (rollover p q))))

The LFTs that this returns are curious in that when you compose them with a range, they divide the range in two and select one or other (high or low) segment. The outermost LFT in the infinite composition will represent a range that contains the square root, and the subsequent LFTs will narrow it down by repeatedly bifurcating it and selecting the top or bottom segment.

ex, where x is rational and 1/2 < x ≤ 2

(defun %exp-rat (x)
  (check-type x (rational (1/2) 2))
    (make-lft (+ 2 x) x
              (- 2 x) x)
    (lft-stream-map (lambda (n)
                      (make-lft (+ (* 4 n) 2) x
                                x             0))

log(x), where x is rational and x > 1

(defun %log-rat (x)
  (check-type x (rational (1) *))
    (lambda (n)
      (funcall (make-lft 0             (- x 1)
                         (- x 1) (+ (* n 2) 1))
               (make-lft 0       (+ n 1)
                         (+ n 1)       2)))

xy, where x and y are rational and x > 1 and 0 < y < 1

(defun %rat-pow (x y)
  (check-type x (rational (1) *))
  (check-type y (rational (0) (1)))
    (make-lft y 1
              0 1)
     (lambda (n)
       (funcall (make-lft 0             (- x 1)
                          (- x 1) (- (* n 2) 1))
                (make-lft 0       (- n y)
                          (+ n y)       2)))

tan(x), where x is rational and 0 < x ≤ 1

(defun %rat-tan (x)
  (check-type x (rational (0) 1))
   (lambda (n)
     (funcall (make-lft 0 x
                        x (+ (* n 4) 1))
              (make-lft 0 x
                        x (- (* n -4) 3))))

tan-1(x), where x is rational and 0 < x ≤ 1

(defun big-k-stream (numerators denominators)
  (cons-lft-stream (make-lft 0 (stream-car numerators)
                             1 (stream-car denominators))
                   (big-k-stream (stream-cdr numerators) (stream-cdr denominators))))

(defun %rat-atan (z)
  (check-type z (rational (0) 1))
  (let ((z-squared (square z)))
    (cons-lft-stream (make-lft 0 z
                               1 1)
                     (big-k-stream (stream-map (lambda (square)
                                                 (* z-squared square))
                                   (stream-cdr (odds))))))

These functions have limited applicability. In my next couple of posts, I’ll show some functions that transform LFT streams into other LFT streams, which can be used to increase the range of inputs and outputs of these primitive sources.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Exponentiating Functions

If we compose a function F(x) with itself, we get F(F(x)) or F∘F. If we compose it again, we get F(F(F(x))) or F∘F∘F. Rather than writing ‘F’ over and over again, we can abuse exponential notation and write (F∘F∘F) as F3, where the superscript indicates how many times we compose the function. F1 is, naturally, just F. F0 would be zero applications of F, which would be the function that leaves its argument unchanged, i.e. the identity function.

The analogy with exponentiation goes deeper. We can quickly exponentiate a number with a divide and conquer algorithm:

(defun my-expt (base exponent)
  (cond ((zerop exponent) 1)
        ((evenp exponent) (my-expt (* base base) (/ exponent 2)))
        (t (* base (my-expt base (- exponent 1))))))
The analagous algorithm will exponentiate a function:
(defun fexpt (f exponent)
  (cond ((zerop exponent) #'identity)
        ((evenp exponent) (fexpt (compose f f) (/ exponent 2)))
        (t (compose f (fexpt f (- exponent 1))))))

The function (lambda (x) (+ 1 (/ 1 x))) takes the reciprocal of its input and adds one to it. What happens if you compose it with itself? We can rewrite it as a linear fractional transformation (LFT) (make-lft 1 1 1 0) and try it out:

> (make-lft 1 1 1 0)
#<LFT 1 + 1/x>

> (compose * (make-lft 1 1 1 0))
#<LFT (2x + 1)/(x + 1)>

> (compose * (make-lft 1 1 1 0))
#<LFT (3x + 2)/(2x + 1)>

> (compose * (make-lft 1 1 1 0))
#<LFT (5x + 3)/(3x + 2)>

> (compose * (make-lft 1 1 1 0))
#<LFT (8x + 5)/(5x + 3)>

> (compose * (make-lft 1 1 1 0))
#<LFT (13x + 8)/(8x + 5)>

> (compose * (make-lft 1 1 1 0))
#<LFT (21x + 13)/(13x + 8)>
Notice how the coefficients are Fibonacci numbers.

We can compute Fibonacci numbers efficiently by exponentiating the LFT 1 + 1/x.

> (fexpt (make-lft 1 1 1 0) 10)
#<LFT (89x + 55)/(55x + 34)>

> (fexpt (make-lft 1 1 1 0) 32)
#<LFT (3524578x + 2178309)/(2178309x + 1346269)>
Since we’re using a divide and conquer algorithm, raising to the 32nd power involves only five matrix multiplies.

Fixed points

If an input x maps to itself under function f, we say that x is a fixed point of f. So suppose we have a function f with a fixed point x. We consider the function f’ which ignores its argument and outputs x. If we compose f with f’, it won’t make difference that we run the result through f again, so f’ = f∘f’ = f. You can find a fixed point of a function by composing the function with its fixed point. Unfortunately, that only works in a lazy language, so you have two options: either choose a finite number of compositions up front, or compose on demand.

You can approximate the fixed point of a function by exponentiating the function to a large number.

(defun approx-fixed-point (f) 
  (funcall (fexpt f 100) 1))

> (float (approx-fixed-point (make-lft 1 1 1 0)))

> (float (funcall (make-lft 1 1 1 0) *))

Alternatively, we could incrementally compose f with itself as needed. To tell if we are done, we need to determine if we have reached a function that ignores its input and outputs the fixed point. If the function is a LFT, we need only check that the limits of the LFT are equal (up to the desired precision).

(defun fixed-point (lft)
  (let ((f0   (funcall lft 0))
        (finf (funcall lft ’infinity)))  
    (if (and (numberp f0)
             (numberp finf)
             (= (coerce f0 ’single-float) 
                (coerce finf ’single-float)))
        (coerce f0 ’single-float)
        (fixed-point (compose lft lft)))))

> (fixed-point (make-lft 1 1 1 0))

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Roll Your Own Linear Fractional Transformations

Looking for a fun weekend project? Allow me to suggest linear fractional transformations.

A linear fractional transformation (LFT), also known as a Möbius transformation or a homographic function, is a function of the form

(lambda (x)
  (/ (+ (* A x) B)
     (+ (* C x) D)))
You could just close over the coefficients,
(defun make-lft (A B C D)
  (lambda (x)
    (/ (+ (* A x) B)
       (+ (* C x) D))))
but you’ll want access to A, B, C, and D. If you implement LFTs as funcallable CLOS instances, you can read out the coefficients from slot values.


The coefficients A, B, C, and D could in theory be any complex number, but we can restrict them to being integers and retain a lot of the functionality. If we multiply all the coefficients by the same factor, it doesn't change the output of the LFT. If you have a rational coefficient instead of an integer, you can multiply all the coefficients by the denominator of the rational. If there is a common divisor among the coefficients, you can divide it out to reduce to lowest form. (In practice, the common divisor will likely be 2 if anything, so if the coefficients are all even, divide them all by 2.) We can also canonicalize the sign of the coefficients by multiplying all the coefficients by -1 if necessary.

(defun canonicalize-lft-coefficients (a b
                                      c d receiver)
  (cond ((or (minusp c)
             (and (zerop c)
                  (minusp d)))
         ;; canonicalize sign
         (canonicalize-lft-coefficients (- a) (- b)
                                        (- c) (- d) receiver))
        ((and (evenp a)
              (evenp b)
              (evenp c)
              (evenp d))
         ;; reduce if possible
         (canonicalize-lft-coefficients (/ a 2) (/ b 2)
                                        (/ c 2) (/ d 2) receiver))
        (t (funcall receiver
                    a b
                    c d))))
(defun %make-lft (a b c d)
  ;; Constructor used when we know A, B, C, and D are integers.
   a b
   c d
   (lambda (a* b*
            c* d*)
     (make-instance 'lft
                    :a a* :b b*
                    :c c* :d d*))))

(defun make-lft (a b c d)
  (etypecase a
    (float (make-lft (rational a) b c d))
     (etypecase b
       (float (make-lft a (rational b) c d))
        (etypecase c
          (float (make-lft a b (rational c) d))
           (etypecase d
             (float (make-lft a b c (rational d)))
             (integer (%make-lft a b
                                 c d))
             (rational (make-lft (* a (denominator d)) (* b (denominator d))
                                 (* c (denominator d)) (numerator d)))))
          (rational (make-lft (* a (denominator c)) (* b (denominator c))
                              (numerator c)         (* d (denominator c))))))
       (rational (make-lft (* a (denominator b)) (numerator b)
                           (* c (denominator b)) (* d (denominator b))))))
    (rational (make-lft (numerator a)         (* b (denominator a))
                        (* c (denominator a)) (* d (denominator a))))))


One advantage of making LFTs be funcallable CLOS objects is that you can define a print-object method on them. For my LFTs, I defined print-object to print the LFT in algabraic form. This will take a couple of hours to write because of all the edge cases, but it enhances the use of LFTs.

> (make-lft 3 2 4 -3)
#<LFT (3x + 2)/(4x - 3)>

Cases where some of the coefficients are 1 or 0.

> (make-lft 1 0 3 -2)
#<LFT x/(3x - 2)>

> (make-lft 2 7 0 1)
#<LFT 2x + 7>

> (make-lft 3 1 1 0)
#<LFT 3 + 1/x>


The most mundane way to use a LFT is to apply it to a number.

> (defvar *my-lft* (make-lft 3 2 4 3))
> (funcall *my-lft* 1/5)

Dividing by zero

In general, LFTs approach the limit A/C as the input x grows without bound. We can make our funcallable CLOS instance behave this way when called on the special symbol ’infinity.

> (funcall *my-lft* ’infinity)

In general, LFTs have a pole when the value of x is -D/C, which makes the denominator of the LFT zero. Rather than throwing an error, we’ll make the LFT return ’infinity

> (funcall *my-lft* -3/4))

Inverse LFTs

Another advantage of using a funcallable CLOS instance is that we can find the inverse of a LFT. You can compute the inverse of a LFT by swapping A and D and toggling the signs of B and C.

(defun inverse-lft (lft)
  (make-lft (slot-value lft ’d)
            (- (slot-value lft ’b))
            (- (slot-value lft ’c))
            (slot-value lft ’a)))

Composing LFTs

LFTs are closed under functional composition — if you pipe the output of one LFT into the input of another, the composite function is equivalent to another LFT. The coefficients of the composite LFT are the matrix multiply of the coefficients of the separate terms.

> (compose (make-lft 2 3 5 7) (make-lft 11 13 17 19))
#<LFT (73x + 83)/(174x + 198)>

Using LFTs as linear functions

A LFT can obviously be used as the simple linear function it is. For instance, the “multiply by 3” function is (make-lft 3 0 0 1) and the “subtract 7” function is (make-lft 1 -7 0 1). (make-lft 0 1 1 0) takes the reciprocal of its argument, and (make-lft 1 0 0 1) is just the identity function.

Using LFTs as ranges

LFTs are monotonic except for the pole. If the pole of the LFT is non-positive, and the input is non-negative, then the output of the LFT is somewhere in the range [A/C, B/D]. We can use those LFTs with a non-positive pole to represent ranges of rational numbers. The limits of the range are the LFT evaluated at zero and ’infinity.

We can apply simple linear functions to ranges by composing the LFT that represents the linear function with the LFT that represents the range. The output will be a LFT that represents the modified range. For example, the LFT (make-lft 3 2 4 3) represents the range [2/3, 3/4]. We add 7 to this range by composing the LFT (make-lft 1 7 0 1).

> (compose (make-lft 1 7 0 1) (make-lft 3 2 4 3))
#<LFT (31x + 23)/(4x + 3)>

Application (redux)

It makes sense to define what it means to funcall a LFT on another LFT as being the composition of the LFTs.

> (defvar *add-seven* (make-lft 1 7 0 1))

> (funcall *add-seven* 4)

> (funcall *add-seven* (make-lft 4 13 1 2))
#<LFT (11x + 27)/(x + 2)>

> (funcall * ’infinity)


This should be enough information for you to implement LFTs in a couple of hours. If you don’t want to implement them yourself, just crib my code from