Sunday, December 29, 2024

Interpreting S-code

Lisp programs are not text but rather nested lists of symbols (atoms) and other lists. By default, a symbol represents a variable and a list represents a function call, but some lists are special forms that don’t follow the normal function call semantics.

S-code is an alternative representation for Lisp programs. Instead of nested lists, S-code is a set of nested data structures. Each S-code type corresponds to a Lisp form. There is an almost trivial isomorphism between S-code and the list representation of Lisp. S-code is a bit easier to interpret and compile than the list representation because the data structures representing the code can contain auxiliary information to aid in interpretation of the code. For example, a variable reference in S-code can contain the lexical depth and offset of the variable.

Converting from nested lists to S-code is a process called “syntaxing”. The nested lists are walked, the macros are expanded, auxiliary information is collected, and the S-code is generated. The S-code can be directly interpreted or compiled to machine code. “Unsyntaxing” is the process of converting S-code back to nested lists and it basically involves a walk of the data structure, discarding the auxiliary information, and collecting a tree of lists, thus recovering the original Lisp program (modulo macro expansion).

The MIT-Scheme hardware (Scheme 79, Scheme 81, and Scheme 86) directly executed S-code. MIT-CScheme is a C and assembly program that interprets S-code and runs compiled S-code. MzScheme and Racket also use a similar nested data structure represention of Scheme programs. I don’t think they call it “S-code”, but it is essentially the same thing. No doubt other Lisp and Scheme interpreters use this technique.

(The Lisp machine, by contrast, compiled Lisp programs to a byte-code that was interpreted by the microcoded Lisp machine hardware. I believe that MzScheme and Racket now include a JIT compiler.)

A few years back, for kicks, I wrote an S-code interpreter for Scheme. I decided to write it in C# so that I could leverage the .NET Common Language Runtime. I wouldn’t have to write a garbage collector, for example. I wrote it to interpret the S-code generated by MIT-Scheme. This way I could leverage the MIT-Scheme runtime as well. But this interpreter is not simply a port of the C implementation of MIT-Scheme. Many parts of the interpreter work completely differently from the MIT C implementation. Among them:

  • The C# call stack is used to hold the continuations. Subproblem continuations are C# continuations. Nested Scheme function calls appear as nested C# function calls, so the C# debugger can be used to debug Scheme code.
  • Tail recursion is handled by a trampoline at each function call boundary. To tail call a function, you return the function, the arguments, and a special marker to the caller’s trampoline, which will make the call on your behalf.
  • First class continuations are handled by lightweight stack inspection. In addition to a special marker for tail recursion, there is also a special marker for continuation capture. If this is returned, the caller’s trampoline will evacuate its current stack frame from the stack onto the heap and propagate the special marker up the stack.
  • Eval dispatch is handled through virtual method dispatch. Each type of S-code object has an eval method that is specialized for the type. I was curious if the virtual method dispatch was fast enough to be in the main interpreter loop.
  • The S-code interpreter is instrumented to discover the “hot” paths through the code. Certain patterns of S-code that are determined to be dynamically frequent can be replaced by S-code “superoperators” that provide specialized higher performance evaluation paths that avoid recursive evaluation steps.
  • Variable assignments are eliminated through cell conversion. All variables are ultimately immutable. Variables that were assigned to are converted to mutable cells that are allocated on the heap. This means we can use a flattened environment structure, but calls to procedures with mutable variables will cons.
  • The nested environment structure was replaced with flattened environment vectors. Shared immutable lexical variables are copied, and since mutable variables are stored in cells, their references are copied. Lexical variable lookup is constant independent of the lexical depth, but closure construction becomes linear in the number of variables being closed over.


C# does not provide a way to dump a heap snapshot, so it isn’t possible to save a Lisp image. Instead, the interpreter is “cold loaded” each time it is started. Indeed, the main problem with the interpreter is the startup time. It spends an inordinate amount of time initializing the unicode tables.

The major version of MIT-Scheme has been incremented. The C# interpreter fails to reach the prompt when cold loading the latest version. I haven’t tracked down the problem.

The C# interpreter assumes that the S-code abstraction is completely opaque, i.e. that the Scheme code knows nothing about the binary layout of S-code objects and only manipulates them through the provided primitives. This isn’t always the case, however, so the C# intepreter sometimes has to recognize that certain idiomatic patterns of S-code are actually attempting to emulate a primitive operation. For example, system-pair-car is a primitive that extracts the first element of any system object that has two elements, i.e. objects that MIT-Scheme implements as a cons cell even though not tagged as one. But the point of using C# was to hide the representation of Scheme objects from the Scheme code, so many objects are no longer implemeted as cons cells. The interpreter notices calls to system-pair-car and instead extracts whatever field of the object that MIT-Scheme would have put in the car.

The interpreter is not complete enough to host the SF program, which creates Scheme .fasl files from Scheme source. You need MIT-Scheme to create the .fasl files, which can then be loaded into the C# interpreter.

Now what?

I got increasingly frustrated with the limitations. It was taking too long to do a full debugging cycle. Playing whack-a-mole with the bugs was getting tedious.

I wanted to understand fundamentally why interpreters are so slow. In theory, shouldn’t the interpreter be able to perform the same operations as the compiled code? What exactly is “interpreter overhead”? Shouldn’t it be able to run in the same ballpark as the compiled code? What would it take to make a high-performance interpreter?

I discovered some of the answers. A large part of the overhead comes from instruction dispatch. Compiled code has its instructions dispatched in hardware and often have dedicated hardware to read and process the instruction stream. Interpreters use software to do the dispatch. You can make the interpreter faster by combining instructions and dispatching instruction combinations. There is a combinatorical explosion of instruction combinations, however, so you only want to combine the most common instruction sequences.

I wrote a number of hand-coded instruction combinations, but it got tedious and I realized that I wanted an automatic way to generate instruction combinations for common instruction sequences. That is, I wanted a JIT compiler. I put the project on the shelf at this point because a JIT compiled S-code interpreter is another project in itself.

I decided to blog a bit about some of the more unusual features of this interpreter, so watch this space if you are interested.

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