Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nasty details

John Cowan wanted more detail.  If device drivers and bus cycles are not up your alley, I suggest you skip this post.  Seriously.

Still here?  You were warned.

For various historic reasons, the LMI Lambda was built as a NuBus card set. The NuBus interface could be driven from the memory interface, and this microcode shows how:
((MD) a-map-scratch-block)      ;following inst gives maps time to settle.
 ((L2-MAP-CONTROL) (a-constant 1464))    ;no caching.
 ((VMA-START-READ) LDB (BYTE-FIELD 8 2) M-1 a-map-scratch-block)
The first line loads the MD (memory data) register with the virtual address of the "scratch block". The second line pops the desired NuBus address off the stack. The third and fourth lines write the Level 2 maps (the maps are addressed by MD) to address NuBus space. The final line initiates the bus cycle, and the result can be read from MD when it arrives.

With some argument checking and boxing of the result, this is surfaced to the Lisp world as a primitive instruction called %NUBUS-READ:
                                ;SLOT is really the high 8 bits.
                                ;the "top F" can be supplied via slot,
    ;avoiding bignums.
  "NUBUS-SLOT is top 8 bits of physical address (usually the top 4 bits are 1's).
SLOT-BYTE-ADR is the lower 24 bits of physical address.")
If there was a debug card installed on your machine, you could find out which NuBus slot it was in by reading the system configuration, and you could talk to it by calling %NUBUS-READ and %NUBUS-WRITE:
(defun assure-debug-board ()
  (when (null *my-debug-board*)
    (let ((slot (find-a-debug-board)))
      (setq *my-debug-board* (logior #xF0 slot)))))     ;put it in slot space

(defun read-debug-board (address)
  (%nubus-read *my-debug-board* address))

(defun write-debug-board (address data)
  (%nubus-write *my-debug-board* address data))
And if you know the offsets of the control registers on the card
(defregister debug-mode-register              *my-debug-board* #xFFF7FC :read-write)
(defregister debug-address-register           *my-debug-board* #xFFF7F8 :write-only)
(defregister debug-data-start-transfer        *my-debug-board* #xFFF7F4 :write-only)
(defregister debug-response-register          *my-debug-board* #xFFF7F4 :read-only)
(defregister debug-control-start-transfer     *my-debug-board* #xFFF7F0 :write-only)
(defregister debug-status-response            *my-debug-board* #xFFF7F0 :read-only)
(defregister debug-nubus-analyzer-ram-pointer *my-debug-board* #xFFF7EC :read-write)
(defregister debug-nubus-analyzer-ram-data    *my-debug-board* #xFFF7E8 :read-write)
(defregister debug-nubus-analyzer-ram-control *my-debug-board* #xFFF7E4 :read-write)
(defregister debug-nubus-analyzer-function    *my-debug-board* #xFFF7E0 :write-only)
(defregister debug-test-register              *my-debug-board* #xFFF7C4 :read-write)
and what the bit fields in the registers are
(defconstant %%mode-init                 (byte 1. 0.))
(defconstant %%mode-master               (byte 1. 1.))
(defconstant %%mode-led                  (byte 1. 2.))
(defconstant %%debug-mode-loopback       (byte 1. 3.))
(defconstant %%debug-mode-speed          (byte 1. 4.))
(defconstant %%debug-mode-txwait         (byte 1. 6.))
(defconstant %%debug-mode-response-ready (byte 1. 7.))

(defconstant %%debug-control-start-bit (byte 1. 0.))
(defconstant %%debug-control-ack-bit   (byte 1. 1.))
(defconstant %%debug-control-tm-bits   (byte 2. 2.))
(defconstant %%debug-control-axr-bit   (byte 1. 4.))

(defconstant %%debug-response-start-bit (byte 1. 0.))
(defconstant %%debug-response-ack-bit   (byte 1. 1.))
(defconstant %%debug-response-tm-bits   (byte 2. 2.))
(defconstant %%debug-response-axr-bit   (byte 1. 4.))
and some good values to stuff in
(defconstant $$init 1.)

(defconstant $$disable-mastership 0)
(defconstant $$enable-mastership  1)

(defconstant $$led-off 0)
(defconstant $$led-on  1)

(defconstant $$disable-loopback 0)
(defconstant $$enable-loopback  1)

(defconstant $$slow-transfers 0)
(defconstant $$fast-transfers 1)

(defconstant $$transmitter-idle 0)
(defconstant $$transmitter-busy 1)

(defconstant $$no-response    0)
(defconstant $$response-ready 1)
it is pretty straightforward to run the debug card. Here are some examples
(defun reset-debug-board ()
  (setf (debug-mode-register) (dpb $$init %%mode-init 0)))

(defun blink-debug-light ()
    (sleep .5)
    (setf (debug-mode-register)
          (dpb $$led-on %%mode-led (debug-mode-register)))
    (sleep .5)
    (setf (debug-mode-register)
          (dpb $$led-off %%mode-led (debug-mode-register)))))

(defun reset-nubus-analyzer ()
  (setf (debug-nubus-analyzer-function)
        (dpb $$disable-analyzer %%nubus-analyzer-enable 0)))

(defun board-idle? ()
  (= $$transmitter-idle (ldb %%debug-mode-txwait (debug-mode-register))))
The debug card in the Lambda was connected via a serial cable to the debug slave card in the K machine test rack. Writing to the data, addr, and control registers on the card would cause the slave to perform bus cycles on the test rack.
(defun debug-read-word (addr)
  (write-debug-addr addr)
  (write-debug-control #x01)

(defun debug-write-word (addr data)
  (write-debug-data data)
  (write-debug-addr addr)
  (write-debug-control #x09)
Now that we can do bus cycles on the test rack, we can talk to other cards on the test rack. Some of the data and control registers of the K machine can be read directly from the bus.
(defvar k-mem-addr   nil "K Processor - Memory address base")
(defvar k-io-addr    nil "K Processor - I/O address base")
(defvar k-mode-addr  nil "K Processor - Mode register address")
(defvar k-hptr-addr  nil "K Processor - History RAM pointer address")
(defvar k-hram-addr  nil "K Processor - History RAM data address")
(defvar k-pc-addr    nil "K Processor - Program Counter address")
(defvar k-mmfio-addr nil "K Processor - MMFIO bus address")
(defvar k-spy0-addr  nil "K Processor - Low spy Instruction Register address")
(defvar k-spy1-addr  nil "K Processor - Hi spy Instruction Register address")
(defvar k-spyc-addr  nil "K Processor - Spy command register address")
(defvar k-int-addr   nil "K Processor - NUBUS interrupt register base address")
Of particular interest here is the Spy Command register. This can be written with one of these values
(defconstant $$spy-command-stop                0.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-run                 1.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-step                2.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-reload-instruction  3.)      ;called ICLOAD in spy-pal
(defconstant $$spy-command-clear-opc-clock     4.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-set-opc-clock       5.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-clear-spy-mode      6.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-set-spy-mode        7.)
(defconstant $$spy-command-stepmode-full-clock 8.)      ;called clr-stepmode
(defconstant $$spy-command-set-stepmode 9.)             ;       set-stepmode
The Spy Command register allows you to start, stop, reset, and debug the machine externally. For example,
(defun k-stop ()
  "Stop the processor clocks, and init spy modes"
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-stop)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-stepmode-full-clock)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-set-spy-mode)     ; set spy mode
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-clear-opc-clock)     ; clear opc clk
  (setq k-run-flag nil)

(defun k-run ()
  "Start the processor running"
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-stop)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-clear-spy-mode)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-set-opc-clock)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-reload-instruction)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-run)
  (setq k-run-flag t)
Especially useful was this one:
(defun k-step ()
  "Step the processor one clock cycle"
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-stop)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-clear-spy-mode)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-set-opc-clock)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-reload-instruction)
  (k-spy-cmd $$spy-command-step)

You may have noticed that it takes multiple local NuBus cycles to instruct the debug card to issue a single remote cycle, and it takes multiple remote cycles to drive the K hardware through the spy interface. It was fast enough for debugging, but it is much faster to put the K processor in the same rack as the LMI Lambda and get rid of the debug board altogether. We used the debug board early on so we could turn off the test rack and remove the hardware.

Still here? I salute your intestinal fortitude. The above code was selected from the files at

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