Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A curious bug

I've been hacking away on my Scheme system, but I'll give a full update later on. I've encountered a curious bug, though. When I get to the REPL and type (let ((x 3)) x), I get an unbound variable error. It seems that the syntaxer (the part of MIT Scheme that expands macros and converts the s-expressions into s-code) is renaming the bound variable x.

What is curious about this bug is the specific nature of it. Since my version of MIT-Scheme is still incomplete, I often run into missing primitives or as-yet-unimplemented behavior. This just drops me into the C# debugger. But in order to cold-load and initialize Scheme from an empty image, I needed to get a lot of stuff working correctly. Scheme does some 6 million evaluations during the cold load, so I know that large portions of the language work just fine. The unimplemented portions just crash, so it is somewhat baffling that I've encountered something that is so obviously incorrect, yet correct enough to allow booting and even to attempt evaluation.

My guess right now is that there is something slightly wrong with hash tables. It's just a hunch, though. I have tried some simple tests from the REPL, and they look ok. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evaluation going on between hitting the return key and actually running `eval', so I haven't been able to find the problem by tracing the interpretation.

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