Friday, October 5, 2007

That is my final answer

The IL version had a problem that I didn't notice before. Generic functions need to be closed over themselves. This allows the implementation to store a trampoline function when the generic is created and/or modified. The trampoline function recomputes what code is run when the generic is run, and then smashes itself out of the code path. Subsequent runs of the generic function don't go through the trampoline.

The problem is that the method object held by the .NET delegate is a read-only object. It cannot be overwritten. No problem, we'll just indirect through the field we can write. But we need to pass in the delegate object itself as an argument so we can modify it. In order to do that the delegate method needs access to the this pointer in the delegate. But the point of a delegate is to provide the delegated method with a this pointer. That is the Target field in the delegate. But the target object held by the .NET delegate is also read-only. It isn't possible to construct a delegate that delegates to itself in .NET (at least not without major black magic). We can create a delegate that delegates to a static method within the delegate class itself, but then we no longer have access to the instance object.

The solution is another level of indirection. We create a ManifestInstance class that has mutable state we need and closes over itself. The delegate simply defers to the ManifestInstance. This is the way delegates are intended to be used, so there is no need to use IL to add extra fields or anything. We can do this with standard, simple C#.

But I still want my StandardObjects to be printed with some sort of useful debugging info rather than {Method = {System.Object uninitializedFuncallableInstanceMethod(System.Object[])}}. The StandardObject delegate needs a DebuggerTypeProxy. A DebuggerTypeProxy is a helper object that tells the debugger how to render objects when the standard mechanisms aren't sufficient. But for reasons I don't understand, you can't associate a DebuggerTypeProxy with a .NET delegate! Argh!!!!

But I found a trick. You can associate a DebuggerDisplay attribute with a delegate. This is a string attribute that is interpreted in the context of the object being debugged. You can put things like "Object {Name}" in the DebuggerDisplay attribute and it will print the literal string `Object' followed by the Name field of the object. For our StandardObject delegate, we tell it to print the Target field. This sort of works: "{Target}", but then the debugger uses the ToStringmethod of the ManifestInstance. It makes it hard to visually distinguish the ManifestInstance from the delegate that refers to it. Instead, we want to get a computed property of the ManifestInstance. Unfortunately, this doesn't work: "{Target.ObjectDebuggerDisplay}", but this does: "{((ManifestInstance)Target).ObjectDebuggerDisplay}". Now when the debugger sees a StandardObject, it calls a method defined in ManifestInstance that has access to the object's state.

Since all this can be done in simple C# code, there is no reason to hack IL for StandardObjects. Back to the hacking....

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