Saturday, January 11, 2020

Gendl / SBCL / Ubuntu / WSL / Windows and an experiment in live blogging

I'm helping David Cooper by trying to run a demo of his Gendl software. He's preparing a new release and I get to be the guinea pig. For fun, I'm live blogging as we go along just as an experiment.

I'm running SBCL 1.4.5debian under Ubuntu 18.04.3 under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 1) under Windows 10 Home edition. I have to say that Ubuntu on WSL is remarkably stable and useful. It seems to act just like the Ubuntu I'm used to using and runs ELF executables without modification. The GNU tool chain just seems to work and I used apt-get install to fetch and install SBCL, which hasn't complained either. I've git cloned David's release and I'm now awaiting further instruction.

While waiting, I've installed slime and am running SBCL under Emacs 25.2.2. Quicklisp is used to install and start Gendl. This starts up a web server that provides the UI in another thread.

So far, this entire melange of software is working quite smoothly despite the oddball combination of the parts. Lisp has habit of tickling memory protection bugs and threading bugs. Unix isn't supposed to get along with Windows. Windows isn't known to get along with Unix very well, either, unless you isolate them from each other through a virtual machine. But WSL is doing its job acting as a go-between. I don't know the details of how it works, but I do know that you need to have some virtualization enabled, but it isn't a full virtual machine (Windows 10 Home edition doesn't support Hyper-V). In WSL, the Linux side can see the Windows disk as a mount point, but it doesn't seem that the Windows side can see the Linux disk. WSL gives you a bash shell in a window capable of running Emacs, or you can run an XWindows server like Xming under Windows if you want the full X experience. Performance seems reasonably snappy.

Well live blogging didn't work. It just felt rude to be typing and not paying full attention while someone was demonstrating some software that he had obviously worked very hard on. So I'll give a re-cap of what I understood from the demo. I'm no expert on CAD systems and most likely misunderstood important points, so take this as a novice's view. I asked David to help me correct this write-up. Not surprisingly, there's one important point I misunderstood, so I'll put in David's explanation.

Gendl is inspired by ICAD. Through use of CLOS and some macros, Gendl provides a DSL that allows you to design an object through a tree-like decomposition of its component pieces. Each component has properties, and these can be inherited by subcomponents (so, for example, when you paint a component a certain color, the color propagates down the component tree to the child components and they get painted, too).

(Here I messed up majorly.) In David's words
The technical term for the properties is “messages.” In many ways this is a message-passing object system, inspired by Flavors, which was inspired by SmallTalk (The ICAD System was built with Flavors, not CLOS).

Note there are two, orthogonal, concepts of "inheriting" going on. Normal class mixins provide one type of inheritance -- an object definition will inherit all the messages of its mixins. We usually call this "inheritance."

The passing of values from parent instance to child instance and other descendant instances in the instance tree is called “passing down” rather than inheritance, to avoid confusion with that other, different, inheritance. Messages can be passed down implicitly (by making them trickle-down-slots), or passed down explicitly by including them as keyword/value pairs in the object specification.

Another way to think of this is that the class (or “type”) of a given instance can inherit from multiple mixins, can contain multiple child object instances, but can have at most one Parent object in the instance tree (and it can have zero Parent objects if it's the root)


The mixin inheritance relationship is an “is a” relationship (essentially the same as normal CLOS inheritance).

The parent-child relationship is a “has a” relationship, and comes along with automatic demand-driven (i.e. lazy) dependency tracking.

The base component contains a co-ordinate system, so all components have a co-ordinate system relative to the root object. One primary module or application of Gendl is the web-based UI Geysr, that allows you to navigate the component tree, inspect components, change their properties, and visualize how they fit together. This module also provides an “exploded” view of the object if desired, where each subcomponent is rendered displaced a small distance from it's actual location. It can also render an exploded view of the assembly processs for the object.

The DSL provides a way of specifying a components location via constraint-like functional messages between components. This means that components can get resized when necessary, angles recomputed when necessary, and even the number of subassemblies recomputed dynamically when the object changes. In the “bench” example David showed me, the number of slats in the bench seat was recomputed dynamically from the seat width, the slat width, and constraints on the slat spacing. The user simply specified the perimeter of the seating area and Gendl figured out how many 2x4's you'd need to cover it. (Maybe I'm easily impressed, but I thought this was pretty neat.)

Another part of Gendl is the Process Planning module which computes a Manufacturing Bill of Processes and Raw Materials. This is much more interesting. Again using the DSL provided by CLOS, you define rules on how to build components from their constituent parts. Then Gendl, starting at the root node, infers a construction plan by recursive descent through the components and combining the rules. When it is done, you have the instructions for building the entire assembly. For the bench example, it started with purchase of sufficient 2x4s for the frame, seat, and back, then cutting the 2x4s to length, some at an angle for the reclining back, then fastening the cut pieces together, finally painting the result. The leaf nodes in the process planning tree represent the Bill of Materials for the object under construction. I thought this was pretty cool, too.

While I know nothing about CAD, I do know a little about computer languages, so I'll opine a little on the DSL. The basic operation in Gendl is define-object which is a macro that extends defclass. Objects have slots (fields) that hold values. One feature of Gendl is the ability to define “trickle down” slots whose values are available in the environment of subcomponents. Thus when you attach a new seat slat to the seat of the bench, it can use the trickle down value to match its paint color with that of the rest of the seat. This use of “environmental” properties isn't unique to Gendl, but it is worth note. David says, “Trickle-down slots are essentially a short-hand way of passing messages from a parent down to its descendants.

The recursive nature of Lisp matches well with the recursive decomposition of objects. The DSL makes it obvious to even the casual observer how the objects are composed. The value of the slots in the object can be defined as any Lisp expression, but drawing from the constraint-like language subset makes it obvious how the pieces relate to each other. You don't specify that the arm rests are 60 inches from the center (although you could), you specify that they butt up against the backrest. Given that constraint, you can move one subassembly and Gendl will automatically recompute the positions of the adjoining assemblies. While this is powerful, I suspect you need a fair amount of experience in setting up the constraints to do it so that it is useful.

Something I completely missed because it is natural to me and other Lisp hackers, but not to CAD designers, is the power of having an Emacs/Slime REPL in parallel with the web-based interface. The web-based interface gives you a natural point-and-click, drag-and-drop, UI with the instant visual feedback while at the same time you have the powerful DSL available in a REPL for experimenting directly with the object tree in a natural text-based way. (Sometimes people forget that text itself is highly abstract visual medium with thousands of years of development behind it.) In David's demo, he would move between the REPL and the UI extremely frequently, keeping both windows open at the same time, sometimes manipulating the object graphically, other times textually. In retrospect, this looks like a huge advantage, but at the time it seemed like an obvious way to use the system. I expect other jaded command-line hackers would have the same experience.

The rules for constructing components are written as CLOS methods that are specialized to the component they are constructing. It is rather obvious what rule applies for a given component. In addition it is obvious what to specialize on for constructing a component. The rule files are straightforward and reasonably terse.

Given the shortness of the demo (there was a lot to grasp), and my own inexperience, I don't think I could write an object description from scratch, but given an existing description I feel confident I could add a small subcomponent. I can see how this product would be useful in design and manufacturing and I think the learning curve doesn't look too steep if one is willing to start small before working up to something hugely complex.

Thanks to David for giving me the demo and for helping correct my blog post. I take credit for all the errors and misconceptions.


  1. WSL 1 and WSL 2 are very different things, and you don't say which one you are using, but the fact that the Linux file system isn't available from Windows implies that it is WSL 1.

    WSL 1 uses a Windows kernel-mode driver called "lxss" which implements the Linux syscalls on top of the NT Executive; that is, in parallel with the Win32 subsystem. (This is distinct from Cygwin, which provides Linux-flavored Posix mostly on top of Win32, although it sometimes talks to the Executive directly too). There is no virtual machine here and no Linux kernel; Linux processes are NT Executive processes, as are Win32 processes, though they are different in detail. A Linux process can exec() a Win32 executable, in which case it becomes a Win32 process (this allows pipelines that include Win32 filters, for example), but a Win32 process cannot spawn a Linux process.

    In WSL 1, the Linux root file system is emulated using part of the NTFS file tree, keeping additional information that Posix file systems need in either separate files or NTFS extended attributes. That means that Win32 processes can see them and even read them, but if they write them it will corrupt the Linux view.

    The problems with WSL 1 are that it was too big a job even for Microsoft to reimplement all the 400-odd Linux system calls from scratch, and Posix file system performance was pretty terrible (it was actually faster to access the NTFS side than the emulated Posix side). So WSL 2 was introduced, which uses an actual unmodified Linux kernel and a lightweight version of Hyper-V, the Windows hypervisor. The WSL 2 root file system uses a virtual hard disk which is formatted as an ext4 volume (you can have more virtual hard disks as well). It provides access to NTFS via a 9p (as in Plan 9) server on the Win32 side which Linux mounts. WSL 2 is still in beta.

    I hope this is helpful.

  2. I mentioned it was WSL 1 in paragraph 2, and the fact that I'm running Windows 10 Home edition (which doesn't have Hyper-V) is indicative, too. But your information was good to know, especially how "lxss" runs on top of the NT Executive.

    I hope that when WSL 2 is out of beta that M$ enables Hyper-V on the Windows Home edition. I don't want to have to buy an upgrade to use it.

    1. I missed the bit in paragraph 2 and have never used Home Edition, so I didn't know about that limitation. They might allow WSL 2 even if not general Hyper-V.
