Thursday, July 19, 2007

An Unorthodox Idea: Measure Computer Performance in dB

I promised some unorthodox ideas, so here's one. When I was at Northeastern University I would frequently suggest that people report the logarithms of the benchmarks they ran. I mentioned that a side benefit was that it would make you feel like a "real" engineer. Will Clinger said that a real engineer would be using decibels. I of course immediately converted my latest benchmarks to dB. I was just taking things to the absurd limit, but I noticed something remarkable: the dB values were exceptionally easy to understand. Human senses tend to work logarithmically. This allows people to sense a very wide range of sounds, light intensities, vibrations, etc. As it happens, the decibel is a particularly convenient unit for measuring things that people sense. For a large variety of phenomena, a 1 dB change is the `just noticable difference'. A 3dB change is almost exactly a factor of 2, and every 10dB is another order of magnitude. It's pretty easy to get the hang of it. To give an example, let's convert the benchmark times from the previous post to dB:

C gcc                    7.6
D Digital Mars           8.2
Clean                    8.3
Lisp SBCL #2             8.6
Oberon-2 OO2C            8.7
Pascal Free Pascal #3    8.8
D Digital Mars #2        8.9
OCaml                    9.1
Eiffel SmartEiffel       9.1
Ada 95 GNAT              9.9
C++ g++                 10.0
Nice                    11.4
Java 6 -server          11.7
Scala #2                11.7
CAL                     12.3
BASIC FreeBASIC #2      12.3
SML MLton               12.5
Haskell GHC #2          12.6
C# Mono                 12.8
Fortran G95             13.6
Forth bigForth          13.9
Haskell GHC             18.4
Smalltalk VisualWorks   19.3
Erlang HiPE             19.9
Erlang HiPE #2          19.9
Scheme MzScheme         21.5
Scala                   24.8
Haskell GHC #3          26.5
Lua #3                  27.7
Pike                    27.8
Python                  28.1
Mozart/Oz #2            28.7
Perl #2                 29.6
PHP                     30.7
Tcl #2                  31.6
Ruby                    32.5


So what can we see? SBCL is just a tad slower than C gcc, but it is a tad faster than C++ g++. Scheme MzScheme is an order of magnitude slower than C++, but Perl is yet another order of magnitude slower. Between MzScheme and Scala you lose a factor of 2. There are other things you can do with dB, for example, you can measure compiler performance. A Scheme compiler that improves performance by, say, 12dB would move the Scheme runtime up near the Ada one. You might decide that a compiler tweak that improves performance by less than 1dB probably isn't worth it. Try converting some of your own performance numbers to dB and see what you think.

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